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sabato 30/11/2013

Ex Voto Dark Night

Saturday, 30st November 2013, San Vittore Death-Disco, Viale Papiniano 16, Milan

" - Continue to follow your senses - "

Ex Voto returns within the sophisticated surroundings of San Vittore - Viola Violetta backs the event with her congenial soul - music. This time "only dark" but her idea to experiment with new themes continues -
A special guest from the Adriatic coast, for a selection devised/programmed exclusively for Ex Voto, Dj ALBY, with sounds like razor blades and glows in the night - this is what we'll expect from him. Ex Voto will also have a welcome return - on the mix - of the San Vittore, Dj Lenz - and not just for this night.
Then !!!, the Ex Voto console makes way for the soul Dark-Wave by Dj Dandy Noir, perfection and will alternate to the deadly sound of Elvio Dj Skull.
In the San Vittore - s Room, everything will continue to be immortalized by the photographs of "Attimi su Pellicola" and Alessandro Ridolfo.

There - s a Place We Can Explode - Open Wide the Door - Don - t forget Your Path

Evento inserito il 20/11/2013, ultimo aggiornamento del 21/11/2013, visto 1544 volte (rate:5.86)

San Vittore Disco

Viale Papiniano 16

Milano (MI)

Informazioni sul locale:
(Nota: i dati sottostanti sono generici e potrebbero non essere validi per la serata specifica)
zona Navigli/Cadorna
Uscita della Metropolitana: Sant'Agostino

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