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Spazio 211

Via Cigna, 211
10100 Torino
Risorsa inserita il 24/03/2006, visto 15172 volte (rate:1.11)

Eventi passati

ven 14/2/2025 Concerto The veils
sab 3/8/2024 Onyrica Open Air
ven 22/3/2024 Concerto Jozef van wissem
mar 14/11/2023 Concerto Protomartyr
dom 27/8/2023 Concerto Christine and the queens
sab 13/5/2023 Concerto The soft moon
sab 27/8/2022 Todays Festival + Concerto Molchat Doma
ven 24/9/2021 Killing Moon + Concerto Pankow
ven 24-25/7/2021 D.U.I. FEST (Driving Under the Influence) + Concerto Cyborgs + Ovo + Larsen + Lili refrain
ven 9/7/2021 Concerto Bull brigade
ven 25/6-30/7/2021 DJ set Killing Moon
ven 31/7/2020 Killing Moon Party + Concerto We are waves
ven 6/12/2019 Concerto Fuh
dom 25/8/2019 Todays festival + Concerto Johnny Marr
gio 7/2/2019 Concerto Preoccupations
dom 28/10/2018 Concerto Radio Birdman
gio 4/10/2018 Concerto Wire
dom 26/8/2018 Concerto Editors
sab 25/8/2018 Todays festival + Concerto Echo and the bunnymen + Mogway
dom 22/4/2018 Concerto A place to bury strangers
mar 17/4/2018 Concerto Protomartyr
dom 27/8/2017 Todays festival + Concerto Timber Timbre
ven 25/8/2017 Todays festival + Concerto P.J.Harvey
mar 7/2/2017 Concerto The pop group
sab 27/8/2016 Concerto Jesus and Mary Chain
ven 26/8/2016 Concerto John Carpenter + M83
sab 2/4/2016 Concerto Gang of Four
ven 17/4/2015 Concerto Moon Duo
gio 19/2/2015 Concerto Pere Ubu
gio 18/12/2014 Concerto Lydia Lunch's Big Sexy Noise
ven 30/5/2014 Concerto The undertones
gio 8/5/2014 Concerto The Chameleons
lun 7/4/2014 Concerto Joey Cape
sab 28/12/2013 Concerto Management del dolore post operatorio
mer 27/11/2013 Concerto Loop
gio 21/11/2013 Concerto Lydia Lunch Retrovirus
mer 13/11/2013 Concerto Suuns
gio 24/10/2013 Concerto Body/Head
sab 19/10/2013 Concerto Mark stewart
ven 10/5/2013 Concerto Esben and the witch
ven 3/5/2013 Concerto Lili Refrain + From the fire
mar 8/5/2012 Concerto Jon Spencer Blues Explosion
lun 23/4/2012 Concerto The twlight sad
gio 26/1/2012 Concerto The Vaselines
sab 26/11/2011 Concerto Dee Dee e Brandon
ven 4/11/2011 Concerto Factory Floor
gio 27/10/2011 Concerto Pete and the pirates
ven 21/10/2011 Concerto I like trains
mar 20/9/2011 Concerto A certain Ratio
mer 8/6/2011 Concerto Mick Harvey
mer 11/5/2011 Concerto Esben and the Witch
sab 2/4/2011 Concerto Crocodiles
sab 12/3/2011 Concerto Electric Wizard
mer 1/12/2010 Concerto Woven hand
gio 4/11/2010 Concerto Liars
mer 3/11/2010 Concerto The cinematics
ven 10/9/2010 Concerto The pop group
sab 24/7/2010 Concerto A place to bury strangers
mar 25/5/2010 Concerto Cold Cave
sab 22/5/2010 Concerto The Slits
mar 18/5/2010 Concerto Black heart procession
lun 26/4/2010 Concerto Sophia
sab 10/4/2010 Concerto These new puritans
gio 18/3/2010 Concerto Levinhurst
gio 11/3/2010 Concerto Githead + Sleeping states
gio 18/2/2010 Concerto Emily Autumn
lun 14/12/2009 Concerto Germs
sab 21/11/2009 Concerto The horrors
ven 20/11/2009 Concerto Link Protrudi & the Jaymen
mar 17/11/2009 Concerto Black Lips
mar 27/10/2009 Concerto Crocodiles
ven 29/5/2009 Concerto PTV
gio 21/5/2009 Concerto Crystal Stilts
gio 7/5/2009 Concerto Client
ven 13/3/2009 Concerto Mallory Switch
ven 27/2/2009 Concerto Wire
gio 23/10/2008 Concerto Fuzztones
mar 15/7/2008 Concerto Siouxsie
sab 24/5/2008 Concerto Six Organs Of Admittance
gio 13/12/2007 Concerto Rudi Protrudi and the midnight plowboys
sab 17/11/2007 Concerto Tuxedomoon
mer 17/10/2007 Concerto Devastations
sab 22/9/2007 Concerto Mick Harvey
gio 5/7/2007 Concerto Sonic Youth
mer 16/5/2007 Concerto Yellow swans + Ovo
gio 26/4/2007 Concerto Fabrizio Modonese Palumbo + (r)
mer 28/3/2007 Concerto !!! (Chk chk chk)
gio 8/3/2007 Concerto Sieben + Ronin
sab 3/2/2007 Concerto Danielle Dax + Dave Knight + Paul Beauchamp
sab 7-8/12/2006 Maximum punk'n'roll
sab 25/11/2006 Concerto Kid Congo Powers
mer 20/9/2006 Concerto Liars + Deer Hunter
dom 2/7/2006 Concerto Editors
dom 14/5/2006 Concerto In gowan ring + Daniele brusaschetto
gio 27/4/2006 Concerto Fabrizio Modonese Palumbo + Baby Dee + Mi and L'au + Morose
dom 23/4/2006 Concerto Wolf eyes + Steve Mackay & The Radon Ensemble
mer 22/2/2006 Concerto Sunn-O + Earth
mar 14/2/2006 Concerto Larsen + Piano magic
gio 9/2/2006 Concerto Martin rev
mer 25/1/2006 Concerto Adult
gio 14/7/2005 Concerto (r) + 13 & God
gio 8/7/2004 Concerto Larsen + Cletus + oVo
ven 25/6/2004 Vegan Festival + Concerto Ordeal by fire + Carmilla
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