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sabato 22/03/2014

Ex Voto & La Notte Noir

Satday 22 March 2014&Black Hole Milano&Viale Umbria&Ex Voto and - La Notte Noir - present "Come On Babies Light My Fire"

Ex Voto returns for the second evening of the month in the surrounding of Black Hole.
Art director Viola Violetta still meets - La Notte Noir - and with legend Tony Satanika will take the evening in spaces where the - imagination will be free from any any definite form or place".

Art through the Dance
"Come On Babies Light My Fire" - an exclusive show by GOTHLA

The Black Hole principal room will be inflamed by a performance of absolute class - magic atmospheres&passion&seduction&and to complete these emotions the night will be open from a goth fashion show suspended between spell and reality.
Those shows are the perfect prelude to what will happen in the console immediately after.
Dj Lenz, Dj Skull for Ex Voto and dj TonyEsse for - La Notte Noir - will take turns to animate with their dj-sets the Dance - Room and you have got your blazing evening.
Viola Violetta once again will display her talent to give a precise identity to the event -
Then! the night goes in her deepest and your moments will be immortalized by AttimisuPellicola and Alessandro Ridolfo
A very special thanks to "Raqs Fusion Factory", a "dark fusion" belly dance by A Liuba Layali, Gioia Samara and Silviah Macka
Luca Sponzilli
Evento inserito il 18/03/2014, ultimo aggiornamento del 20/03/2014, visto 1792 volte

Black hole

Viale Umbria 118


Informazioni sul locale:
(Nota: i dati sottostanti sono generici e potrebbero non essere validi per la serata specifica)
(angolo via Cena 1 - Zona XXII Marzo)
Tel: 349/46.69.374

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