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sabato 12/10/2013

Ex-Voto Dark Night

"Forget the tributes of the opening night, Milan, the Ex-Voto project returns for the second evening of the season.
This evening blends the musical first idea with the new concept, which will start on October 26th at the q21, just like a missing link.
A true laboratory of communication.
The first innovation will be the live streaming with radio WMBC, to give the opportunity to those, who cannot make it to the show.
ExVoto welcomes the art of Esfen, Sardinian artist, with his digital painting. This new emerging art form leads the artist to use computerized digital painting techniques to differentiate from the traditional methods.
On stage" we have two stunning performances given by Art Director Viola Violetta.
The atmosphere of the evening will be dyed black.
A noir show with the beautiful Grimilde Sweetpoison and "Smoke and Blood Movement" live/dj-set of the duo Three Imaginary Boys/Numa Echos, will take the evening in spaces where the imagination will be free from any any definited form or place".
To complete this alchemy of visions and emotions, the Ex Voto console, the heartbeat of the evening, where the irreplaceable Elvio Dj-Skull and Dandy Noir will perform with welcome guest Dj Lenz&on air&dreamy&mind travelling sound&now you are floating&YOUTH & IMMORTALITY"

Evento inserito il 25/09/2013, visto 1690 volte (rate:4.67)

San Vittore Disco

Viale Papiniano 16


Informazioni sul locale:
(Nota: i dati sottostanti sono generici e potrebbero non essere validi per la serata specifica)
(Zona Cadorna/S.Ambrogio/Navigli)

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