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sabato 20/07/2013

The shimmer

""The project Ex-Voto was conceived from an idea of Viola Violetta, Art Director of the Milan independant music scene, to create a Dark Event but just for the "die Hard" enthusiast. From the beginning with originality to the theme in mind, guests, dj-sets and the choice of location were carefully selected to perfectly matches her ideas. There is something new and you have the impression to re-live the spirit that you would associate with the Rainbow-Club.
This feeling has increased interestin these evenings. The Art Director wants to build on this encourage others to organise an evening "on the fly" and as a result; on the 20th July 2013 on the stage of San Vittore will play "THE SHIMMER".
On consoles Dj's will alternate, Elvio Dj-Skulll, Dandy Noir e Marky with special guest for the evening, Valentina Faith Guida.""

Luca Sponzilli
Evento inserito il 13/07/2013, ultimo aggiornamento del 18/07/2013, visto 1903 volte

San Vittore Disco

Viale Papiniano 16


Informazioni sul locale:
(Nota: i dati sottostanti sono generici e potrebbero non essere validi per la serata specifica)
(Zona Navigli/Cadorna)

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Ex Voto Dark Night
19/07/2013 18:17, []
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