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venerdi 05/07/2013

Concerto Sonic Jesus + Last Movement


The Sonic Jesus are a neo-psychedelic band from Doganella di Ninfa, Italy. Sonic Jesus are Tiziano Veronese's challenge and certainty, the result of his deep immersion through the years in the music black-hole, first as a drummer, then as a guitarist and singer. It's Velvet Underground, raped by Spacemen 3, rigging up a neo-psychedelia, folk imprinted, with shoegaze nuances. This perfect fusion of music, appearently so intuitive, is the consequence of Tiziano Veronese and Marco Baldassari's meeting, so that it becomes a mutual collaboration to the same goal.
Marco Baldassari takes part in this project as the lyrics creator of the group since 2010, when Sonic Jesus was nothing but an idea. Then he starts his self-educated approach to the music, supporting the composition of the band as a poli-instrumentalist musician, playing organ, guitar, percussions and theremin.



Last Movement is a Shoegaze/Post-Punk/Noise Rock band-based in Rome. The band's sound has its characterized by walls of distorted guitar, feedback, delay, bass grooves, jagged rhythms and structured noise. A psychedlic blend between 90's shoegaze sound and english postpunk.

Antonio M - vox/guitars
Andrea A - drum
Luca C - bass

Last Movement was born in 2009 as a solo project of Antonio Mauro (ex Avant-Garde, Cureproject). After around a year (early in 2010), following an encounter with Andrea Adesso, they formed the idea for the band. Therefore, after looking for a bass player, Giovanni de Giorgio (Sunomi) joined the group. Soon after, Stefano Fenu (Blackmondays, ex-Simon Dreams in Violet) also joined as a second guitarist, and with this line-up the band started playing their first shows. In this period the repertoire of LM was mainly Darkwave/coldwave, including ballads and the acustic sounds of shoegaze and nu-gaze school. "Nebula" (demo/promo cd-r) was recorded during this period (but wasn' t available until the end of 2011). Things changed in Autumn 2010, when the line-up was reduced to three people, still with Antonio M. (guitar and vocals) and andrea A.(drums) but with different bass players, including Pasquale Vico (Date at Midnight, ex-Echoes of Silence) e Valerio Bulla (Ancièn Régime). The repertoire of the band was rearranged, and with this line-up LM started to play with more continuity. In April 2011, Marzio Micheloni joined the group as a full time bass player and durint the summer of 2011 the band recorded 8 tracks, 3 of which were used on "Psychic Sun" (demo/promo 2012). The band has always been very active with live performances, in and around Rome, sharing the stage with A Place to Bury Stranger, The Soft Moon, Farflung, Disappear, Spiral 69, Christine Plays Viola, etc. The Last Movement is actually searching for a label/distributor or booking agency. A new promo/demo is set to completed in early 2013.
To be continued -



Last Movement start 10pm
Sonic Jesus start 11pm


Festival Delle Culture Indipendenti
Evento inserito il 04/07/2013, visto 1438 volte

Artisti in concerto

Sonic Jesus (it)

Pigneto Spazio Aperto

Via E. Fieramosca, 20


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