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sabato 12/01/2013

Concerto The cemetary girlz

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MetaMorfosi Alternative Club, Dark Entries & Muzak Club
proudly present:

[Manic Depression Records - Zorch Factory Records]

Dark Music from Paris, Influenced by Gothic Deathrock Batcave Post Punk Coldwave BM Shoegaze music. "it is in darkness that the light shines"

The Cemetary Girlz was born with 3 musicians, DJ Alien S. Pagan on vocals, Manu Zorch (from Camp Z and Zorch Factory Records) on guitars, and Romeo (from Sleeping children) on bass. They recorded a DIY demo, featuring the now famous songs : Reflection, I Got You, Death Has Tasted Blood and Shimmer. Their first gig took place on August 2008 at Le Klub. But shortly after, Manu decided to take a break for familly reasons (happy father =). "Little Spigaou", a mysterious friend of Alien, then joined the band to play the guitar, and the party went on ! They played at many festivals all around Europe (Dark Castle Festival, Dark Chamber Gothic Festival, Lumous Gothic Fest, Gothic Pogo Festival, Gothic Pl Fest, Spiders Web Fest, Drop Dead Lisboa and many others !) and they shared the stage with many bands. Their first album "Smoke My Brain" including 13 tracks, was released by Manic Depression Records. But a few months later, Romeo had to leave the band because of his medicine studies. The pretty Elvira (from Elvira and The Bats, and Grise Mine) joined the band on bass, and a talented drummer Diva+Re (from Deadchovsky, Castrati, Alternative Zero. And he also recorded the first album, what else ?) is added to the line-up. Elvira and Diva+Re played their first gig as "The Cemetary Girlz" at Le Nouveau Casino in Paris, supporting The Meteors ! Sadly, about a year after, "Little Spigaou" felt the need to have a break from gigs and touring. Alien then decided to get a guitar and to become the only guitarist of the band, as "Little Spigaou" was someone hardly replaceable. The 3 coffins are now : Alien, Elvira and Diva+Re. They are working on their second album, entitled "Opus Vitae"

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DJ Severance (MetaMorfosi/Subbacultcha)
DJ Black Ossian (Darkitalia/Black Circus)

Dj Schwarzeslicht + Dj Frank Black + Dj Lestat
(MetaMorfosi Crew Roma)

Goth | New Wave | PostPunk | Batcave | Darkwave
DeathRock | ColdWave | Minimal | Industrial | NeoFolk
PaganDance | Ritual | Obskures

MOOD: Old Skull, GothicPunk, Voodoo Rock, Psycho

Ingresso 5 euro | Apertura locale ore 22

powered by:

Darkitalia -
Erba della Strega -
Rosa Selvaggia -
Planetaria Music Store -
Wardance Agency -
Ascension Magazine -

MetaMorfosi Alternative Club

MetaMorfosi Crew Roma

Dark Entries

Disorder Officina Musicale

Evento inserito il 10/01/2013, visto 1999 volte
Artisti in concerto:
The cemetary girlz (fr)
Muzak Club
Via di Monte Testaccio 38/a

Informazioni sul locale:
(Nota: i dati sottostanti sono generici e potrebbero non essere validi per la serata specifica)
(In prossimità della Stazione Piramide, metro linea B)
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