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venerdi 30/03/2012

Subbacultcha - White party

SUBBACULTCHA in collaborazione con METAMORFOSI

The Largest Alternative Club in Rome

Torniamo all'Alpheus per un evento a tema.
Semplicemente il Bianco.
The White Party

This Week/Questa Settimana

Who Needs Reasons When You Have Subbacultcha!

Open H23:00
Silvia @The Door

White RooM:
Dj51 Dj Severance

And there ain`t no night
And there ain`t no night

Did you hear what I said
Come into the white

Into the White

And there ain`t no day
And there ain`t no day

And there ain`t no night
And there ain`t no night

Into the White

Did you hear what I said?
Did you hear what I said?

Deeper than your sleepy haed
Deeper than your sleepy head

Ain`t nothin` to see
Ain`t nothin` in sight

Into the white

Go, and you`ll go real far
Go, and you`ll go real far

Just past the big quasar
Just past the big quasar

Can`t hitch a meteorite
Can`t hitch a meteorite

Visuals & Laser
BabyVj Videosolid

Open H23:00
Close H05:00
Entrance 5 euro
Evento inserito il 28/03/2012, visto 1664 volte

Organizzazione evento



via del commercio 36


Informazioni sul locale:
(Nota: i dati sottostanti sono generici e potrebbero non essere validi per la serata specifica)
Tel: 06 5747826

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