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venerdi 03/06/2011

Concerto Malato + A silent noise + Verdiana raw

on stage :

MALATO (Industrial)
A SILENT NOISE (Psychedelic and new-wave)
VERDIANA RAW (Gothic/Electro-Ambient)



musical influences:
l`arte dei rumori, il movimento futurista e quello dadaista, il situazionismo, il raggismo, il punk rock ed il suprematismo
il passato è ormai storia
il futuro è solo ipotizzabile
il presente è un altro pianeta

info - www.myspace.com/malato0


ASN is a musical project created by LIBERO VOLPE.
It come to life in 2007 like a side project, inspired by kosmische, psychedelic and new-wave music, together with space literature and science fiction movies. Combining electronic and acoustic instruments, ASN creates visionary soundscapes, a dreaming way ahead to the future only with the music, without words.

Alan Parsons Project, Tangerine Dream, Jean Michel Jarre, Pink Floyd, Vangelis, Klaus Schulze, Dead Can Dance, Joy Division

MEMBERS (on stage)
LIBERO VOLPE - piano, synthesizers and vocoder

info - www.myspace.com/asilentnoise


VERDIANA RAW is an italian ethereal gothic music band, born in Firenze (Florence) in 2010, characterized by esoteric and existential lyrics, often referring to symbolism elements. The project is based around Verdiana Raw's voice and piano, supported by Antonio Bacchi's guitars and Fabio Chiari (alias Fabiux) percussions. Their first job, named "BALLATE STREME", has been live performed on stage since summer 2010 in many italian cities; on augoust 28th they were live at the "Ti-Tattoo" Festival in Lugano (Switzerland); last 7th april Verdiana Raw performed live in London at Milk and Lead Art Gallery.

info - www.verdianaraw.org

Ingresso Concerti 5 euro

Inizio Concerti ore 22:30

Infoline +39 327 5775949

Dopo i Concerti Ingresso Gratis Tutta la notte

open door 22:00 pm

close 04:00 am

Evento inserito il 02/06/2011, visto 2886 volte

Artisti in concerto


via Vacuna 98


Informazioni sul locale:
(Nota: i dati sottostanti sono generici e potrebbero non essere validi per la serata specifica)
(zona stazione Tiburtina)
(ex Traffic club)

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