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venerdi 12/02/2010

Concerto Danny Cavanagh (Anathema) + Leafblade + All my faith lost

We are hereby proud to present a very special string of gigs, by the lead guitarist and (main composer of Anathema, Danny Cavanagh.
The music of the evening is set specially with Anathema songs in a stripped down variation to (only acoustic guitar, piano and vocals. As well there will be some added spice in the form of
some few selected coversongs by artists that has inspired Cavanagh in his career, with the
likes of Pink Floyd, Radiohead, Nick Drake etc.

Danny Cavanagh has been a leading member of Anathema since the beginning of the 90s, and
is now the main composer of the band, writing classic albums as "The Silent Enigma", "Eternity",
"Judgement" etc, on labels such as Peaceville and Music For Nations.

Accompanied on this tour we have Cavanagh's other band, Liverpool-based LEAFBLADE, which
is a more mellow folk/prog act, with a very unique sound. The band just released their debut album("Beyond, Beyond", and has been gaining considerable press reactions for it, not unexpected due
to the bands particular sound. The band is recording their 2nd album now this winter/spring.

On this evening all my faith lost ... from Italy will open the show presenting the new Ep Decade.

Evento inserito il 20/01/2010, ultimo aggiornamento del 21/01/2010, visto 1932 volte (rate:2.11)


Via Tambarin

Ronchi Dei Legionari (GO)

Informazioni sul locale:
(Nota: i dati sottostanti sono generici e potrebbero non essere validi per la serata specifica)
zona industriale 34077

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