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lunedi 26/05/2025

Atmosphere Concerto Kontravoid

Lunedì 26 Maggio 2025
Atmosphere Bologna Eventi presenta
Live al Freakout Club
Kontravoid's masked mystique has remained for over a decade. Ever since the release of his self-titled LP in 2012, the Canadian-born, Los Angeles-based Cameron Findlay has perfected dark pop with his oeuvre that teeters between the EBM, electro and goth genres. His productions, such as 2019's "Too Deep" and 2021's "Faceless," dive to the most derelict corners of foggy, strobe-lit clubs: there is no choice but to dance. But there is an uncanny softness and obvious songwriting ability to compose heart-wrenching songs that are both captivating and drenched in melancholy - 2018's "Undone" has been a fan favorite since it came out on Berlin's Fleisch Records. Onstage, Kontravoid demands the audience's attention with his powerful performance that balances his specific concoction of harsh beats with his signature bass line rhythmic patterns. He's toured alongside Boy Harsher, ADULT - Drab Majesty and Hide, and has remixed the likes of Schwefelgelb and Kris Baha. Truly a man of the shadows, Kontravoid is an unparalleled fixture in the dark electronic arena.

- Ingresso in prevendita: 10€
Link alle prevendite: https://www.musicglue.com - 2025-05-26-kontravoid
- Ingresso alla porta: 15€
- L'acquisto delle prevendite e l'accesso all'evento sono riservati ai soci e alle socie AICS
- Richiesta di tesseramento o rinnovo stagione 2024-2025 su www.freakoutbologna.com/tesseramento

Evento inserito il 15/01/2025, visto 430 volte (rate:10.86)

Freakout club

Via Emilio Zago 7c


Informazioni sul locale:
(Nota: i dati sottostanti sono generici e potrebbero non essere validi per la serata specifica)
Sotto il ponte di via Stalingrado
a 3 min a piedi da PORTA MASCARELLA
e 15 min da PIAZZA VERDI

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