Gran ritorno live di ARPIA, direttamente dagli anni '80, hanno scritto le prime vere pagine occulte della musica italiana, unendo occult-dark rock, proto-doom ed elementi prog.
Il cenacolo degli Arpia is coming -
Roman underground band Arpia was founded in 1984, soon experimenting with theatrical forms as an extension to the musical show. In 1987 their first demo tape was released, followed by the ambitious 40 minute "Resurrezione e Metamorfosi", released in 1988. The band continued to develop, especially with the addition of keyboards adding subtlety into the mix of rugged, dark metallic Prog music, leading to the release of their first full CD in 1995, a concept album about liberation from fascism.
After a break, the band reverted to a rougher, less airified metal sound for their latest concept album "Terramare" which explores aspects of sexuality and existence with an expanded line-up that includes female vocals. The band's early demo tapes are still available to order from their website, and I would recommend a visit to their MySpace site which has full length tracks spanning their history.
Musick to play in the Dark
Music by Diegus, Severance, Lestat & Dark Phoenix
Alternative Disco Dark Retro Wave Minimal Synth Neo Post-Punk
Gothic Rock 80's & 90's EBM Industrial Metal Punk
Ingresso riservato ai soci Arci
Contributo artistico destinato ai musicisti > 10€
Apertura 21:00, Inizio concerti 22:00
- Via Domenico Cucchiari 28, Roma (Casal Bertone)
La pre-adesione non costa niente e ti permette di ritirare la
tessera al club il giorno stesso dell'evento.