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venerdi 17/06/2022

Concerto Twin Tribes + This Eternal Decay + Wingtips

Il concerto di Twin tribes è stato annullato.
Da verificare la presenza degli altri 2 concerti previsti.

Messaggio di cancellazione del tour europeo dalla band Twin Tribes:

It is with great sadness that we have to announce that all of our international shows are cancelled until further notice. Unfortunately, although applying for a visa at the beginning of the year, we were denied the opportunity to expedite our application, and have not received any response from the USCIS up to this point.
With it being so close to crunch time, we have to think about the time, effort, and money that would affect us, the promoters, and of course, you the fans, if we were to continue to delay this decision without any certainty on an approval for our work visa.
Please know, that we are committed to playing live for our international fan base on a more consistent basis. We thank you for your patience, and support, as we try and navigate this difficult situation.
-Luis and Joel

Maggiori informazioni: https://www.facebook.com/subculture.eventi
Evento inserito il 24/02/2022, ultimo aggiornamento del 28/04/2022, visto 1057 volte (rate:1.42)

Artisti in concerto

Twin Tribes


Lizard Club

SS7, 12

Caserta (CE)

Informazioni sul locale:
(Nota: i dati sottostanti sono generici e potrebbero non essere validi per la serata specifica)

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