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sabato 12/03/2022

Metamorphosis Club Concerto Nine While Nine + Nerves

Metamorphosis Club - Every Saturday
12th March 2022

NERVES live-
Bauhaus Tribute Show!
Bauhaus is an English rock band, formed in Northampton, England, in 1978. The group consists of Daniel Ash (guitar, saxophone), Peter Murphy (vocals, occasional instruments), Kevin Haskins (drums) and David J (bass). The band was originally named Bauhaus 1919 in reference to the first operating year of the German art school Bauhaus, although they shortened the name within a year of formation. One of the pioneers of gothic rock, Bauhaus were known for their dark image and gloomy sound, although they mixed many genres, including dub, glam rock, psychedelia, and funk.
Their 1979 debut single, "Bela Lugosi's Dead" is considered one of the harbingers of gothic rock music and has been influential on contemporary goth culture.
Bauhaus combined these influences to create a gloomy, earnest and introspective version of post-punk, which appealed to many music fans who felt disillusioned in the wake of punk's collapse. Its crucial elements included Murphy's deep and sonorous voice, Ash's jagged guitar playing and David J's dub-influenced bass. Their sound and gloomy style would eventually come to be known as gothic rock or simply "goth".
Bauhaus are frequently considered to be the inventors of goth; however the band rejected this label, preferring to describe their style as "dark glam."
Peter Murphy said he felt their contemporaries had a larger hand in solidifying what became goth.
Likewise, Kevin Haskins felt that bands such as Siouxsie and the Banshees were more influential to goth subculture than themselves and mentioned that Bauhaus were " - more three dimensional, more art rock".
Ash nevertheless admitted: "if you wear black and your first single is "Bela Lugosi's Dead," you've pretty much got a stamp on you. That's always been one of our strongest songs, so it's sort of undeniable".

9 WHILE 9 live-
The Sisters of Mercy Tribute Show!
Cover band based in Rome playing Sisters' songs between 1981 and 1985. The first italian band since the late '90s.
The Sisters of Mercy were formed in Leeds, England, in 1980 by Gary Marx and Andrew Eldritch, to satisfy their desire to hear themselves on the radio. During this time a single, "Damage Done/Watch/Home of the Hit-men", was recorded and released. The band name was influenced by Robert Altman's film McCabe & Mrs. Miller (1971), which featured the Leonard Cohen song "Sisters of Mercy" from the album Songs of Leonard Cohen, "because [calling ourselves] the Captains of Industry wouldn't have been as funny".
On the single Marx played guitar through a practice amplifier and Eldritch was on drums that he had bought from Jon Langford. The duo each wrote and sang on a song: Eldritch on "Damage Done", Marx on "Watch".
The band regrouped with Craig Adams on bass, while Eldritch's drumming was replaced by a drum machine, leaving him to concentrate on vocals. The drum machine was christened "Doktor Avalanche", and all of its numerous successors kept this moniker.
Eldritch cited the Psychedelic Furs, Slade, Pere Ubu and David Bowie as his primary influences. Eldrich also cited Mot - rhead, The Cramps and Siouxsie and the Banshees among his early influences. According to Jennifer Park, the band have also cited Leonard Cohen, Hawkwind, Gary Glitter, Lou Reed and The Velvet Underground, Iggy and the Stooges, Suicide, The Birthday Party and The Fall as among their influences.
Whilst the band enjoys a considerable fan base with overlapping interests in so-called dark culture, the Sisters of Mercy consider themselves first and foremost a rock band. They have discouraged their association with "goth" via regular public statements in the press, and stipulations in their standard contract riders.

Metamorphosis Club - Musick To Play In The Dark.
Music by Anth Severance, Tony Lestat
alternative music retro wave neo post-punk 80's & 90's gothic rock disco electro ebm techno industrial metal punk ecc.
All genres. Must wear all black. Total Black.
Electronic Wave, Neo Post-Punk, Proto Ebm & Industrial Music for emotional engagement, intellectual stimulation, energetic dancing and nostalgic enjoyment.
Use Hearing Protection - 100% vinyl vibe.
Wave Electronic 80's 90's Industrial Acid Downtempo New Beat Disco

Green pass rafforzato & ffp2.
Ingresso 5 euro, dopo i concerti free entry tutta la notte.
Info - 39 333 2572070
Evento inserito il 10/03/2022, visto 713 volte

Artisti in concerto

Nine While Nine

Sisters of mercy cover band


Organizzazione evento



Via Prenestina, 738


Informazioni sul locale:
(Nota: i dati sottostanti sono generici e potrebbero non essere validi per la serata specifica)
da Piazzale Prenestino 7 minuti (1 minuto dopo il quagliaro) dal GRA uscita 16 verso il centro 5 minuti
112 da Largo Preneste Notturno n.18 da piazza Venezia

Il locale si è trasferito in via prenestina nel 2011. Prima di allora era in vVia Vacuna 98


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