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sabato 21/08/2021

Metamorphosis Traffic Garden Concerto Electric rain

Saturday 21st August 2021
Metamorphosis Summer Club -
TuttI i Sabati una giungla di piante tropicali e di ritmi esotici / esoterici.
Infuocheremo la vostra calda estate rovente, nel giardino più Rock della Capitale.
Electric Rain live-
(The Cult Tribute Band)
Celebriamo la mitica band inglese di Ian Astbury e Billy Duffy!
The Cult are a British rock band formed in 1983. Before settling on their current name in January 1984, the band performed under the name Death Cult, which was an evolution of the name of lead singer Ian Astbury's previous band Southern Death Cult. They gained a dedicated following in the United Kingdom in the mid-1980s as a post-punk/gothic rock band, with singles such as "She Sells Sanctuary", before breaking into the mainstream in the United States in the late 1980s establishing themselves as a hard rock band with singles such as "Love Removal Machine" and "Fire Woman". According to music critic Stephen Thomas Erlewine, the band fuse a "heavy metal revivalist" sound with the "pseudo-mysticism - of the Doors [and] the guitar-orchestrations of Led Zeppelin - while adding touches of post-punk goth rock".
Since the initial formation of Southern Death Cult in Bradford in 1981, the band have had various line-ups; the longest-serving members are Astbury and guitarist Billy Duffy, who are the band's two songwriters.
official event > www.facebook.com/events/836473393655977
Music by Anth Severance, Paolo Chemnitz & Tony Lestat
Metamorphosis - Musick To Play In The Dark
All genres. Must wear all black. Total Black.
New Wave, neo Post-Punk, Tropical Punk & Voodoo Rock, proto Ebm & Industrial music for emotional engagement, intellectual stimulation, energetic dancing and nostalgic enjoyment.
Use Hearing Protection - 100% vinyl vibe.
Electronic 80's 90's Acid Techno Downtempo New Beat Disco

Ingressi contingentati e distanze di sicurezza in base alle disposizioni vigenti riguardo le attività di intrattenimento e somministrazione cibo e bevande.
Info - 39 333 2572070
Evento inserito il 30/07/2021, visto 299 volte (rate:0.75)

Artisti in concerto

Electric rain

The Cult tribute

Organizzazione evento



Via Prenestina, 738


Informazioni sul locale:
(Nota: i dati sottostanti sono generici e potrebbero non essere validi per la serata specifica)
da Piazzale Prenestino 7 minuti (1 minuto dopo il quagliaro) dal GRA uscita 16 verso il centro 5 minuti
112 da Largo Preneste Notturno n.18 da piazza Venezia

Il locale si è trasferito in via prenestina nel 2011. Prima di allora era in vVia Vacuna 98


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