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lunedi 23/09/2019

Atmosphere Concerto Kollaps

Kollaps live lunedì 23 settembre h 22.00 @Mikasa club

Prima e dopo il live djset by Atmosphere + Michele Tommasini

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Kollapsmusic/
Yotube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtOi2kFcjvg
Live at XVII WIF https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKB43Pr_evs
New single https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97OLTRB9zLE
Onda Rock - https://www.ondarock.it/recensioni/2019-kollaps-mechanicalchrist.htm
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/album/5ye4P15TLoXK1R3x9pfNbv?autoplay=true&v=L
Bandcamp - https://kollaps-noise.bandcamp.com/album/mechanical-christ
Australian post-industrialists KOLLAPS are a three piece creating a unique brand of primitive noise "intended for degenerates and outsiders". The bands' distinctive primordial tones are created using appropriated waste materials like scrap metal, raw plastics and steel plates combined with blistering percussion, bass and vocals. This is no empty "industrial" gesture, for the band this process of creation facilitates the literal use of postmodern society against itself -
Mechanical Christ, the bands' sophomore release, is a conceptual continuation of its predecessor Sibling Lovers. This release sees Kollaps further their exploration of the inherent societal sickness of our times, one that manifests itself in the debasement of individual morality. Themes of exploitation, vengeance, drug addiction, paranoia and slave labour are part of a dissonant, inverted morality play. Testament to the bands' evolving conceptual depth are the overarching themes of love, life and death that offer a sense of shared experience in the discomfort of the universal human experience. Known for their violent and nihilistic stage performances, this recording encapsulates with harsher clarity the visceral confrontation that is Kollaps' live act.
Mechanical Christ was recorded and mixed over a two-month period at Aviary Studios by Mike Deslandes, and mastered by James Plotkin/Plotkinworks. It is a journey into the desperation and lack of resolve that is both the crux of modern social ills and at the very heart of the human condition.

Ingresso 5 euro con tessera AICS
Con la tessera AICS è possibile accedere anche al Locomotiv, Freakout e Link, tutti club dove troverete ottima musica.
- INFO - 39 388 94 13 542 -
Evento inserito il 19/08/2019, ultimo aggiornamento del 22/08/2019, visto 1121 volte (rate:1.75)

Artisti in concerto

Kollaps (au)

Organizzazione evento



Via Emilio Zago, 14

Bologna (BO)

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