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sabato 15/12/2018

ElectroNation Concerto Larva + Jean Kat + Silenti Luna

ElectroNation, in collaborazione con Padiglione 14 e GLZ Eventi,


After show party: djs Lesley & Harly X
ebm, synth/future pop, electro, new wave, goth, indie

Contributo concerti: 5 euro
Dalle 00:30 in poi contributo serata: 3 euro
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The project was born on 1998, by the hand of InqUesT and Blackend with the name ‘Morbid Mind’. With experimenter feel and focused towards electro-industrial sounds; they self-produce some tapes that are distributed by his circle of friendship, without major impact. On the year 2003, this time in solitary and with renewed forces, InqUesT gives a new course to the project, changing his name to 'Larva'. Due to the technical, social and ideological changes in the band. Now more involved in social topics and with a more powerful sound; more noises and hardness, without losing an apex of his darkness.
In the beginning of 2006 the formation had enriched by the contribution of two new members (M.L. and Anoxia). That give more complex and diverse compositions, and more hard and full of energy live shows. The first record contract arrives with the CD ‘Diogenes Syndrome’ under Komblok Records (www.komblok.com); who distributes the album in digipack format towards USA and Europe. The year 2007 starts with the new band’s album ‘Autosectarismo’; self-produced; and distributed worldwide. At year 2008 Larva signs with Advoxya Records (www.advoxya-records.com) for the release of ‘Voces del laberinto’; that has been masterized by Jan (X-Fusion, Noisuf-X, etc.). The cd will include two videos as a bonus tracks. At year 2009 Larva releases under Advoxya Records the fourth CD ‘The hated’; following this, the band starts ‘The Hated Mexican Tour 09’. During 20 days and in a lot of Mexican cities (DF, Puebla, Toluca, Tehuacan, Tijuana, etc), Larva was playing a lot of live shows; with great reviews in the media.
The same year, Alfa-Matrix releases the compilation Endzeit Bunkertracks V with the Larva’s song ‘Come with me’. Larva remixes Unter Null in their new CD ‘Moving on’
On 2010, Larva launches the remix CD ‘Entre agujas’ under Advoxya Records again. A lot of friends of the band collaborate in the creative process of this album, like (Asseptic Room, Tech Nomader, Extinction Front, Deadjump, etc).
Then another USA/Mexico Tour came again. This time, 35 days and a lot of great live shows; including Los Angeles and Las Vegas. On April of 2011 Larva launches under the label Danse Macabre Records their work called ‘Und sie aßen sich selbst’. With this work Larva enters on the GEWC German charts.
In June of the same year, the band re-edits as a limited edition the remastered and reworked version of their two first CD’s (‘Diogenes Syndrome’ and ‘Autosectarismo’ on CDBOX format under the label Mutant-e Records. After that the third USA/Mexico tour start. And again 22 days of great live shows came. In 2012 Larva finish the CD ‘Broken hopes of a wasted youth’ under Advoxya Records, as a limited special box, with 7” vinyl, DVD, remix CD, t-shirt, and other cool stuff.
In the same year Larva performs in the Wave Gothic Treffen festival, in Leipzig (Germany). The most important festival in the goth/electro/alternative scene. After that, the song ‘Agachar la cabeza’ is included in the compilation Endzeit Bunkertracks VI, under the label Alfa-Matrix; together with a Larva remix of the Freakangel’s song ‘Used’. After this CD Larva start the fourth USA/Mexico tour, during 5 weeks, visiting cities like San Diego, Los Angeles, Tijuana, Mexico DF, etc. In 2013 Larva launches ‘Where the butterflies go to die’. Is the new band’s work; released by Advoxya Records again, as a limited box with remixes, CD and DVD; in a special hand made box.
After it, the band was touring through USA, Mexico, Russia, Siberia, France, Belgium, Spain, Germany, etc.
In 2014 Larva release ‘The worst of 2004-2014’, a compendium of all the Larva hits during the 10 years of band’s existence, under Advoxya Records. In a special double CD format and limited double digiwallet CD with 7” vinyl. ‘Abominations’ is released as a full red color 12” vinyl, CD and DVD in the last fall of 2015 with great reception from the audience, and international charts. At the end of 2016 ‘Scars’ is released by Advoxya Records as a double 12” vinyl and CD. After the growing Russian fan base; Larva is asked to release a special album for the Russian audience. So, at the first quarter of 2018 ‘The sun has set over Russia’ is released as a CD format. Released by Scent Air Records in collaboration with Advoxya Records. In the summer of the same year, Advoxya Records release ‘Scars The Singles’; three 7” vinyls with new songs not included in the previous ‘Scars’ album and some remixes.

Jean Kat è un cantante polistrumentista, che sviluppa il suo interesse per la musica verso i 14 anni, imparando a suonare la chitarra. Poco dopo forma la sua prima band, i Rage in the Cage (Punk Hard Core) cui ne seguiranno molte altre, tra cui Vladimir (Melodic Black Metal), Musa Industriale (Goth Industrial), Thin Line (Gothic Rock) e Mantra Decay (Alternative Rock), portando Jean ad essere l’artista completo che è oggi. Negli stessi anni si diploma come fonico specializzato in registrazione e programmazione presso la Galdus Institute di Milano.
Dal 2006 al 2010 lavora con moltissime band in qualità di Fonico, Produttore, Musicista e Sound Designer. Nel 2010 inizia a scrivere colonne sonore per artisti teatrali indipendenti. In quegli anni Jean, alla ricerca di un sound anni ‘70, crea una band chiamata The Sparkly Cats, la sua creatura più longeva, ed è proprio con questa band che incide per la prima volta la sua voce, decidendo di dedicarsi completamente al canto. Con i The Sparkly Cats registra vari singoli, Ep e video, mettendo in atto le proprie peculiarità dal vivo. Dopo circa 6 anni la band si scioglie e Jean inizia a pensare di proporsi al pubblico come solista, cambiando il nome del suo progetto in “Jean Kat”.
Incomincia una collaborazione intensa con i Massive Arts Studios di Milano, dove Jean incide la sua musica, avvalendosi tra gli altri del batterista Rob Iaculli (membro di Pino Scotto, Exilia ). Ne scaturisce un sound molto più oscuro, moderno e decisamente più industrial rock, un coming back per l’artista, da sempre affezionato al mondo Goth Wave. Jean realizza il primo video clip, girato a Tokyo, per la canzone Louder, e subito dopo il secondo video clip per il singolo Whitelight. Nel 2017 Jean dà alla luce l’album strumentale “Serendipity”, dalle sonorità più Ambient, utilizzando a pieno il suo amato Theremin.
Attualmente Jean si esibisce accompagnato da una live band e in duo con l’ex bassista degli Sparkly Cats Matt (Operanoire, Heavenoise). È soprattutto con questa ultima nuova formazione che si stanno progettando una serie di live shows da non perdere!

Silenti Luna were born in 2009 by the will of Herr Jack (former member of Domini Tenebrarum and now also with Opthalidon)on guitar and Hesteban, which was the first drummer of Rosa Antica. The first idea of this new band was to resume some tracks from Lord of Illusion, the first old demos of Domini Tenebrarum, in order to remodel them on modern sonority. After a short time Holoclauss (also with Rosa Antica, Opthalidon and CompliCity), joined the band as bassist with Howling Sstar (also guest with CompliCity) as singer and lyricist and Hellbert on synth and keyboards. From this moment the band wrote 7 new tracks and rearranged 2 Domini Tenebrarum's songs. On 2011 HMT Lorenz (also with Rosa Antica and CompliCity) joined the band as guitar player.
Moving on metal, gothic, industrial and symphonic influences, the band comes to produce the first EP, titled Vanity Fear, featuring 4 tracks.
Evento inserito il 17/11/2018, ultimo aggiornamento del 22/11/2018, visto 1038 volte (rate:0.64)

Padiglione 14

Corso Pastrengo, 40

Collegno (TO)

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