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sabato 10/03/2018

Atmosphere Concerto Japan Suicide

Japan Suicide live sabato 10 marzo h 23.00 al Mikasa club via Emilio Zago 14, Bologna
H 00.00 djset by Atmosphere

Japan Suicide is an indie/alternative band from center Italy. In 2015 they released We Die In Such a Place, which is a stylistic combination of the dark atmospheres, so beloved by the band, with more aggressive sounds, was released by the French label Unknown Pleasures Records and SOLD-OUT in three weeks. From the album they takes two videoclips - A Mood Apart and Naked Skin - directed by Francesco Brunotti.
In 2016 the band in collaboration with Darkitalia released the EP "1978", a three tracks album with lyrics in italian and a videoclip from the titletrack, directed by Nicolò Benedetti.
The band has performed many gigs all around Europe - about 40 per year - and have a Canada/USA/Mexico tour scheduled for May 2018.

Ingresso 5 euro con tessera AICS
Info: 388 94 13 542 –

Con la tessera AICS è possibile accedere anche al Locomotiv, Freakout e Link, tutti club dove troverete ottima musica.
E' possibile fare la tessera anche direttamente al locale
Evento inserito il 26/02/2018, ultimo aggiornamento del 02/03/2018, visto 989 volte (rate:2.88)

Artisti in concerto

Japan Suicide

Organizzazione evento



Via Emilio Zago, 14

Bologna (BO)

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