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sabato 02/12/2017

Decadence - Castello del Capitano delle Artiglierie Concerto The Shyness of Strangers


Saturday 2nd December 2017

Decadence - Castello del Capitano delle Artiglierie

The castle is located along the stretch of road leading from Florence to Forli. In the era of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, the road led to Forlì (Romagna) in the Papal State and was originally the garrison of the Florence gate in the divided fortress town.
Initially a military facility, the castle provides spectacular saloons and halls with ceilings enriched with fabulous frescoes by Felice Giani.
The large terrace looks over an enormous hanging park, originally a military area in ancient times, supporting the cannon walls.
Decadence want to protect and enhance our precious Italian heritage of history, culture and traditions that is the envy of the rest of the world.
Historical, suggestive and enchanting, something you will remember for ever!

Live concert:
The Shyness of Strangers - from Canada

More info coming soon -


Castello del Capitano delle Artiglierie
Via Felice Cavallotti, 2
Castrocaro Terme

- 3387736242 - 3283218731
Evento inserito il 23/11/2017, visto 1500 volte (rate:5.78)

Artisti in concerto

The Shyness of Strangers (ca)

Organizzazione evento


Castello del Capitano delle Artiglierie

Via Felice Cavallotti, 4

Castrocaro Terme (FC)

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