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sabato 21/11/2015

Darkitalia Party Concerto Derniere Volonte

Associazione Culturale Darkitalia
in collaborazione con Onyrica e Café Liber
è lieta di presentare

Dernière Volonté
The Basement
live @ Café Liber 21.11.2015


secondo appuntamento con la nostra serata mensile. Di scena questa volta i francesi Dernière Volonté, progetto di Geoffroy Delacroix, nato nel lontano 1997, che può vantare 6 album di altissima qualità. Non è semplice catalogare la loro musica, che spazia dal martial all'industrial neofolk, dal synthpop alla coldwave. Ad accompagnare Geoffroy, alle percussioni ci sarà un altro personaggio ben noto della scena goth: si tratta di Andy Julia, già cantante dei Soror Dolorosa nonchè fotografo.
Di supporto un progetto torinese di Aldo Sulotto appena nato, chiamato The Basement

a seguire dj set

SALA 2 - gothic
Black Ossian
special guest

SALA 1 - rock/alternative/metal
Onyrica Alternative Style

Dernière Volonté - BIO
Dernière Volonté (Last Will, in English) is the name under which French musician Geoffroy D writes his own music. Throughout an 'industrial' early period, Geoffroy tended to write a fusion of martial music and dark ambient. Choosing to focus on atmosphere, rhythm, and historical samples, he left little emphasis to be placed on vocals and melody. However, with the release of his 2003 effort, Les Blessures de l'Ombre, Geoffroy took a new direction, applying his martial style to verse-chorus song structures and pop melodies. In 2008, Geoffroy started a minimal wave side-project called Position Parallèle which has led to a more distinctly synthpop sound being carried over into his work as Dernière Volonté as well.

Dernière Volonté remains controversial for his considerable use of Fascist imagery, style, voice samples, and of themes from European Fascism and the Second World War. His first album "Obéir et Mourir" includes the tracks "Le travail Rend Libre (Arbeit Macht Frei, the slogan on the gates of Auschwitz), "La force par la Joie (Strength Through Joy, Kraft durch Freude, the Mass Leisure organization of the Nazi Party), "Roma 39 Axe II" (Rome 1939 Axis II) and "A. Speer" (Albert Speer, Hitlers' architect, and later Reich Minister for Armaments and War Production). "Devant le Miroir" (2006) quotes the French writer Pierre Drieu la Rochelle. Anti-communist, anti-Capitalist, anti-democratic, and advocate for a European federalism (excluding the Soviet Union), Drieu la Rochelle is one of several pre-war Fascist thinkers popular among neo-Fascist groups in Europe, and more recently in parts of the Neofolk and Martial Industrial music scenes.

Geoffroy is featured as a guest artist on the Der Blutharsch albums When all else fails! and Time is thee enemy!, as well as multiple singles. The band still plays occasional live shows.

Obeir et Mourir (1998)
Le Feu Sacré (2000)
Les Blessures de l'Ombre (2003)
Devant le Miroir (2006)
Immortel (2010)
Mon Meilleur Ennemi (2012)


The Basement - BIO
The Basement is a primitive self-produced band born in 2015 blending synthesizers & drum machines with guitars. We are based in Turin.


In Collaborazione con
Radio Darkitalia
In The Dark Fields
80s Passion

prevendita €10 + d.p.
alla cassa€ 12


Ingresso riservato ai soci ARCI

dopo il concerto
Evento inserito il 10/09/2015, ultimo aggiornamento del 19/11/2015, visto 1668 volte (rate:1.91)

Artisti in concerto

Derniere Volonte

Organizzazione evento


Café Liber

corso Vercelli 2


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