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Biografia (inglese)
05/04/2005 10:41, [protected] []
Da un comunicato stampa:
New York City-based psychedelic/garage rock combo who played a large role in the mostly underground '60s revival during the 1980s. Led by the enigmatic Rudi Protrudi, the Fuzztones were one of the major "successes" (particularly in Europe) of the revival that flourished in 1984 that also boasted the Chesterfield Kings, the Cynics, the Miracle Workers, and Plasticland.

Thanks to the praise from Ian Astbury of the Cult, the newly refitted Los Angeles-based Fuzztones were one of the few to get a major-label deal, as In Heat was released by Beggars Banquet in 1989. Due to the album's lackluster sales performance, the Fuzztones went back to the indies and disbanded a couple of years later.

~ Matt Carlson, All Music Guide
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