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da lunedi 28/11/2005 a martedi 29/11/2005
lunedi 28/11/2005, martedi 29/11/2005

Concerto Current 93

David Late Tibet and Maja Elliott as CURRENT 93 will be performing on Monday 28 November and Tuesday 29 November at the British School in Rome as part of their Tracks series, organised by the exquisite Daniela Cascella. This is the first time any face of Current 93 has played in Rome.

On MONDAY the concert will consist of two sections. The first part will be the first ever live performance of HYPNAGOGUE. The second part will consist of Hallucinatory Patripassianist Song from Soft Black Stars, Black Ships Ate The Sky and other works.

On TUESDAY the concert may well be slightly different. As we have only just been asked to do the second night, we have not yet decided exactly what we will perform.

Tickets are €20 for each night, and can ONLY be bought on the Monday and Tuesday evenings of the shows at the venue; tickets are NOT available from Durtro. There are 130 tickets available for sale per night. The box office will open at 20.00 on each night and the concert will begin at 21.00 each night. ALSO PLEASE NOTE: Tickets for the Tuesday night show will be available to buy at the box office on Monday night as well as Tuesday night, if any remain.

Monday 28 November at 21.00h. Box office opens at 20.00h
Tuesday 29 November at 21.00h. Box office opens at 20.00h
Evento inserito il 24/10/2005, ultimo aggiornamento del 26/11/2005, visto 2649 volte (rate:0.58)

British School

Via Gramsci 61


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Foto del concerto
02/12/2005 19:39, []
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