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da venerdi 01/07/2011 a sabato 02/07/2011
venerdi 01/07/2011, sabato 02/07/2011

Festival Beat vol.19 Concerto Guitar wolf + Undertones

Giovedì 30 Giugno
Via Loschi & Via Pascoli-Salsomaggiore Terme
-ore 18.00 Aperitivo con dj set
-ore 18.30 Presentazione del libro FESTIVAL BEAT-18 anni di storia
Moderatore:Luca Frazzi
-ore 21.30 Live with GALLARA(Italy)
-0re 22.30 Live with ELECTRIC FLASHBACKS(Italy)

-ore 23.30 AfterLive Dj Party at Devil’s Den Pub

Venerdì 1 Luglio

-ore 12.00 Beat Cafè with Monogawa(Cesena-Italy) dj set at Fontana Cafè
-ore 14.30 Pool Party at Piscina Leoni with Pirsin(Spain)
-ore 18.00 dj set and aperitivo at Desiree Cafè(Largo Roma)
-ore 19.00 Live at Devil’s Den Pub: DAVE RAVE BAND(Canada)

-ore 20.00 Open Door at AreaLive Ponte Ghiara-ENTRY 15 EURO
-ore 21.00 Live with TUBI LUNGIMIRANTI(Italy)
-ore 22.00 Las ASPIRADORAS(Toledo-Spain)
-ore 23.00 the INCREDIBLE STAGGERS(Graz-Austria)
-ore 24.00 GUITAR WOLF(Tokyo-Japan)

Allnighter Dj’s sound with:
Lutz(Soundflat Team-Solingen-Ger)
Michael Myers(Trieste)
Traxel(Soundflat Team-Koln-Ger)
Frank Popp(Berlin-Ger)
StickerGuy Pete(Slovenly Rec-USA)

Beat Breackfast from 5.30 at Desiree Cafè
Largo Roma-Salsomaggiore Beat

Sabato 2 Luglio

-ore 12.00 Beat Cafè with Monogawa dj set at Fontana Cafè
-ore 14.30 Pool Party at Piscina Leoni with djs Festival Beat crew
and very hot Live show with LUKY and his FRIED CHICKENS(Italy)
-ore 18.00 dj set e aperitivo at Desiree Cafè with Pirsin(Spain)
-ore 19.00 Live at Devil’s Den Pub with: MIDWEST BEAT(USA)

-ore 20.00 Open Door at AreaLive Ponte Ghiara-ENTRY 15 EURO
-ore 21.30 Live with los EXPLOSIVOS(Mexico)
-ore 22.30 Live with MAGNIFICENT BROTHERHOOD(Berlin-Ger)
-ore 24.00 Live with the UNDERTONES(Derry-Ireland)

Allnighter Dj’s sound with:
Lutz(Soundflat Team-Solingen-Ger)
Michael Myers(Trieste)
Traxel(Soundflat Team-Koln-Ger)
Frank Popp(Berlin-Ger)
StickerGuy Pete(Slovenly Rec-USA)

Beat Breackfast from 5.30 at Desiree Cafè
Largo Roma-Salsomaggiore Beat

Domenica 3 Luglio

-ore 12.00 Beat Cafè with Monogawa(Cesena-Italy) dj set at Fontana Cafè
-ore 14.30 Pool Party at Piscina Leoni with Festival Beat djs crew
-ore 18.00 Cocktail with dj Set at Parco G.Chini
-ore 20.30 Cafè G.Chini: Live Band
-ore 23.00 AfterLive Party Dj set at Devil’s Den
Evento inserito il 26/05/2011, visto 2288 volte (rate:4.82)

Artisti in concerto

Guitar wolf (jp)

Area Live

3km da Salsomaggiore

Ponte ghiara (PR)

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