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domenica 30/07/2006

Concerto Diamanda Galas

Presentazione dell'ultimo spettacolo in musica, "GUilty Guilty Guilty"

Il concerto è stato annullato per questioni di salute dell'artista.
Questo il comunicato:

July 25, 2006
Dear Friends,

I am very sorry to have to cancel my concerts in Bologna and Alberobello. My performances in Italy are the happiest times in my life and this cancellation has been a great disappointment for me and my crew.

I have fought a throat infection for two weeks now and it has simply not gone away. On Saturday I realized that it would be imperative to contact the Simonini Agency, who are family to me, to let them know that I would be unable to sing this coming week.

I also wanted to be sure that audience members from other cities not make the large trip to Bologna or Alberobello only to find me absent.

It is a terrible thing to have to cancel a concert.

I ask for your patience and look forward very much to returning to your beautiful cities.

Diamanda Galas
Evento inserito il 23/06/2006, ultimo aggiornamento del 26/07/2006, visto 2403 volte (rate:1.58)

Piazza Indipendenza

Alberobello (BA)

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