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Eventi passati
ven 5/12/2008 Zombie Party + Concerto Belladonna @ Viper Theatre (Firenze)
ven 24/10/2008 Dark Empire Fest II mit Electrocute + Concerto Straftanz + Pilgrim Shadow + Selene Riot @ Viper Theatre (Firenze)
sab 26/4/2008 Dark Empire Festival + Concerto Frozen autumn + Adam + Bohemien + Violent Diva @ Viper Theatre (Firenze)
ven 28/3/2008 The Dark Lab/Dancing in the Shadows @ Viper Theatre (Firenze)
ven 14/3/2008 The Dark Lab - Special ElectroBodyNight @ Viper Theatre (Firenze)
ven 14/3/2008 Concerto Marky Ramone @ Viper Theatre (Firenze)
ven 15/2/2008 Concerto Robin Guthrie (Cocteau Twins) @ Viper Theatre (Firenze)
ven 25/1/2008 The Dark Lab / Intruder Alert + Concerto Neuropa @ Viper Theatre (Firenze)
ven 11/1/2008 The Dark Lab @ Viper Theatre (Firenze)
ven 14/12/2007 The Dark Lab - In the End of a Frozen Autumn @ Viper Theatre (Firenze)
ven 23/11/2007 The Dark Lab @ Viper Theatre (Firenze)
ven 12/10/2007 The Dark Lab @ Viper Theatre (Firenze)
ven 11/5/2007 Enjoy the Darkness - In Embrace Of Eternal Coil @ Viper Theatre (Firenze)
sab 14/4/2007 Absolute 80's night @ Viper Theatre (Firenze)
ven 13/4/2007 Concerto Neuro-mantik @ C.P.A. (Firenze)
sab 31/3/2007 Concerto Le vene di lucretia @ C.P.A. (Firenze)
sab 10/2/2007 Concerto Ordeal by fire + Video diva @ C.P.A. (Firenze)
sab 9/12/2006 Concerto Voices of masada @ C.P.A. (Firenze)
ven 10/11/2006 Concerto Beata beatrix @ C.P.A. (Firenze)
sab 21/10/2006 Concerto Cultur Kultur @ C.P.A. (Firenze)
ven 15/9/2006 Enjoy the darkness - Ultimo atto @ Zero (Firenze)
sab 2/9/2006 Dancing on your grave @ C.P.A. (Firenze)
ven 25/8/2006 Enjoy the darkness @ Zero (Firenze)
ven 4/8/2006 Enjoy the darkness + Concerto Squilibria @ Zero (Firenze)
sab 22/7/2006 Dancing on your grave @ C.P.A. (Firenze)
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