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venerdi 04/02/2011

Concerto Christine Plays Viola

Christine Plays Viola is an Italian Dark / New Wave band formed in Pratola Peligna in 2008.
The group is the brainchild of three boys Christian, Fabrizio and Daniele starting to compose and record a few songs by the computer, marked with dark and very hypnotic colors. After a few months, the band is complete with the recruitment of a longtime friend of the three boys: Desio. Since the first production, the band's music is melancholic, kaleidoscopic and evocative; these features allow the quartet to perform at some festivals, with considerable public involvement and above all great feedback from the critics.
After appearing in several compilations, in March 2008 the boys decide to record their first self-produced EP "It'll be cold this winter". The album features sounds rather different: living elements classically identified as indie rock with other ones marked of dark / new wave music in emotional, dark and hypnotic mood.
The CPV continue their live activities with the intent to promote the EP and trying to make inroads in the vast underground scene: in July 2009 the band wins the X edition of the competition held in POPOLISOUND at Popoli (PE).
In their performances next to the 'historical' songs, the band proposes new compositions in which the elements and Ambient Wave is growing rapidly and the songs are more dynamic and direct.
Subsequently, the boys devoted themselves to the cinema! In fact the band realized the soundtrack of the short film of Loreto Valente "ICS Theme" out in October 19, 2009.
In the summer of 2009 the band records an unexpected setback: the vocalist Cristian due to personal problems, leaves the band. The separation is on friendly terms, and consensual.
But the band does not give up! The boys continue to compose music and begin the search for a new singer.
After several hearings, Massimo (previously active with the melancholic metal band from Rome Oblivio) becomes the new singer of the band helping to expand the influence of the band with a greater propensity to melancholy and melodic tones.
Christine Plays Viola realize in the month of January 2010 the demo "Useless To See Beyond"; a track taken from this EP is included in new short film by director Loreto Valente entitled "The Nine Crosses" out in March 2010.
The 8th of April 2010 is a great day for the band: the boys in the prestigious contest 'Italy Wave Love Festival', as regional winners, off a ticket to the national finals scheduled at Livorno from July 21 to 25.
The band doesn’t stop! On June 12, 2010 they win the 'Orquestra 6 Alternative Contest', by far the best contest of the national independent music. This victory will allow the band's participation in the November 2010 edition of M.E.I. at Faenza.
On July 24 the Christine tread the 'Psycho stage' in the prestigious contest 'Italy Wave Love Festival' with a dark and intense performance which arouses great interest among the public and professionals.
The band highly motivated, after begins the composition of new songs assembling various ideas collected in the meanwhile, consolidating its dark and atmospheric vein. As a starter for the full-length release in the early days of the new year, the band releases the 'Promo 2010 'containing three new songs in the draft version.
This promo and a good stage presence are the business card to attend the M.E.I. (Independent Labels Meeting) in Faenza, November 28, supported by the staff of ‘Orquestra music factory’.
Waiting for release the highly anticipated full-length, the band is planning the construction of the first music video that will be directed by the trust Loreto Valente and is going to organize new live dates.
The hope is to involve as many people as possible, to excite ... the dream is a springborad to the public passing through the consensus of 'experts' in the music business!

Evento inserito il 02/02/2011, ultimo aggiornamento del 03/02/2011, visto 2895 volte
Artisti in concerto:
Christine Plays Viola (it)
darkwave live
Vico Colella 3
Pratola Peligna (AQ)
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