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giovedi 24/10/2019

Concerto Soft Riot

Soft Riot live giovedì 24 ottobre h 22.30 Mikasa club
Via Emilio Zago 14, Bologna
H 00.00 djset by Atmosphere

Soft Riot is JJD; a former Vancouverite now based in
Glasgow, Scotland who has clocked in around twenty
years of musical output in various bands and projects,
including half a dozen art-damaged punk and hardcore
bands as well as first-wave post-punk revivalists
Radio Berlin. Moving from Vancouver to London
UK in the late 2000s, Soft Riot came into full being,
having released a couple of acclaimed albums and
EPs and staging numerous tours around Europe.
Soft Riot's sound is an amalgamation of JJD's
personal experience with music, containing elements
of synthesiser-based film soundtracks, romantic
italo-style flourishes and angular, psychedelic
synth-pop all tied together with an underlying
tension. It is a science-fiction tinged soundscape
that narrates the listener through today's fractured,
excessive landscape with hints of black humour.
Having gained confidence and experience with
regular live performances around Europe, The
Outsider In The Mirrors, Soft Riot's most recent
album, compiles an evolution of sound design from
previous albums and applies them to more focused
tracks, adding a more fun accessibility to Soft Riot's
trademark atmopheric synth/wave sound.
Prior to that came the album You Never Know What
Might Come Next which was released in 2015 on
the French label Exhibition which displayed further
evolution to Soft Riot's minimal, atmospheric sound
Fiction Prediction.
And in 2014 came Some More Terror, a recording
consisting of 11 tracks of instrumental, ambientinfluenced
synth sounds that provided a slight detour
from the more song-based, synth-pop trajectory
presented on the two aforementioned albums.
Soft Riot has previously put out two other releases,
the first being the No Longer Stranger EP on the
Canadian label Panospria in early 2011. Featuring
a more subdued and esoteric sound, this release
attracted attention from various points around the
globe with little promotion. This EP saw a re-release
with a full vinyl treatment in January 2013, extended
into an 8-track LP. This record contains a cover of
"Electrolux" by Hoover; former Dischord Record
artists from their 1994 debut (and only) album. The
other release is 2012's Another Drone In Your Head,
a digital EP featuring remixes from a number of
similarly minded artists.
When playing live JJD mans no less than three
synthesizers, a microphone and an on-stage mixer
all performed with the energy of a full band. Soft
Riot has toured Europe numerous times, from
Rennes, France all the way east to Moscow, Russia
with some shows in North America. Stages have
been shared with such peers as Keluar, She Past
Away, Selofan, Drab Majesty, Lebanon Hanover, Noi
Kabát, Robert G - rl of DAF and more.
Ingresso 5 euro con tessera AICS

Con la tessera AICS è possibile accedere anche al Locomotiv, Freakout e Link, tutti club dove troverete ottima musica.
- INFO - 39 388 94 13 542 -

Evento inserito il 18/09/2019, visto 1158 volte (rate:1.38)
Artisti in concerto:
Soft Riot
Via Emilio Zago, 14
Bologna (BO)
Organizzazione evento:
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