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sabato 23/12/2017

Concerto Tying Tiffany


con Tying Tiffany e Gianluca Bellisario
( https://www.facebook.com/hypnodrome/)

Apertura ore 21.30
Inizio live ore 22.30
a seguire Vintage Futuristic Pop DjSet
Ingresso 5 Euro riservato ai soci Arci

Tying Tiffany
Tying Tiffany is an artist with a music career going back to 2004 and five studio albums to her credit, she has always searched for a sincere and original approach to the various forms of art to which she has always been attracted.
And for this reason she chose to attend the Art Institute which allowed her to experiment with various artistic paths from design to photography to performance art, but keeping in mind that only music permits her to reach the full expressive.
Her music mashes slinky electronics with a post-punk attitude, and the result is an insistent newwave slamdance with an unashamed pop sensibility stashed in its back pocket.
Has been all over the map straddling a range of careers.
She's gone from synth-pop singe to one half of T.T.L, alongside producer Lorenzo Montana - Tiffany's composed music that's appeared on TV shows, video games, and The Hunger Games.

From having her songs featured in the US TV show CSI and the video game FIFA '12 to composing the original trailer music for the huge movie hit The Hunger Games. TT's work is never the same, she got differents projects with others moniker:
Santasede (electronics, voice, acoustic instruments) with Raymond Dijkstra (acoustic instruments), Laurapalm3r a.k.a Tiff Lion , focused on old-school techno with a touch of pure industrial.


Vintage Futuristic Pop DjSet

"Ridateci il futuro così com'era"
Synth pop/Wave/New Beat/Italo disco/old school techno, ebm ed acid

Una rassegna di suoni futuribili dal passato con Tying Tiffany e Gianluca Bellisario
Evento inserito il 02/11/2017, visto 1323 volte (rate:1.38)


Via Rodolfo Pio n.4

Carpi (MO)

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