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sabato 22/04/2017

Geometric Vision & Sicktronic live + djset
Concerto Geometric Vision + Sicktronic

Geometric Vision + Sicktronic live sabato 22 aprile h 22.30
Mikasa club via Emilio Zago 14, Bologna
H 00.00 djset by Atmosphere

Geometrci Vision
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Geometric Vision take form in 2012 in Naples.
Ago Giordano, after several electro-darkwave music experiments decided to create a real band with Gennaro Campanile on bass and Roberto Amato on guitar.
In 2013 the band gave birth to the first album entitled "Dream" coming out for the Italian-Swiss label Swiss Dark Nights.
Characterized by a strong coldwave matrix (sometimes darker, sometimes more ethereal) influenced by the 80's music but revisited in a modern key.
The album was well received by critics in both Italy and abroad so it was played live around Italy during a long tour.
In the beginning of 2015 there was the release of the second album "Virtual Analog Tears" always with the label SDN in collaboration with Manic Depression.
The new album was anticipated by the single "Hills".
The new work, even though it has some similarities with the previous one, is in some ways darker and more acid with shoegaze, ethnic and industrial influences and this shows clearly the new sound research pursued by the band.
V.A.T. seems to have a common thread, the relationship between truth and artifice in the contemporary era and the disorientation that this generate.
The second album allowed the band to cross the national borders and Virtual Analog Tour reached some of the most important European cities and festivals.

Ingresso 5 euro con tessera AICS
Info: 388 94 13 542 –
Con la tessera AICS è possibile accedere anche al Locomotiv, Freakout e Link, tutti club dove troverete ottima musica.
E' possibile fare la tessera anche direttamente al locale

Evento inserito il 27/03/2017, ultimo aggiornamento del 31/03/2017, visto 1246 volte (rate:0.81)
Artisti in concerto:
Via Emilio Zago, 14
Bologna (BO)
Organizzazione evento:
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