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venerdi 18/03/2016

Concerto The Last Resort + Klasse kriminale

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The Last Resort are a name synonomous with the Oi! movement both as a shop catering for those of the skinhead persuasion and lifestyle in the '80's. One of the iconic bands of that era, whose reputation far outweighed their recorded output, this has resulted in the band being given legendary status despite only being together originally for little over a year between 1980 and 1982, with their first gig being as support to the Originals, featuring soon-to-be Last Resort bassist Arthur Kay at Acklam Hall in West London on March 4th, 1981.

Following this gig, the band put out the first ever cassette-only release on the Cringe Music label, which was sold over the counter of the aforementioned shop and whose tracks featured heavily in Garry Bushell's Punk and Oi! Charts through Sounds, the music paper of its day. The band got together originally in 1980 after Roi had seen a band called The Rivals rehearsing, following this, he met up with a guitarist called Charlie Duggan. Graham Saxby was then recruited on vocals, and at a Rivals gig they found a drummer called Andy Benfield.

As stated, the name Last Resort came from a shop owned by Micky French who happily agreed to let the band share the name. Following on from the first gig and cassette release, Saxby left the band in early 1981, with Roi taking over on vocals and Arthur Kay being recruited to take over bass duties. This line-up played on the "Strength Thru Oi!" and "Carry On Oi!" album tracks and recorded the band's first album, "Way Of Life - Skinhead Anthems", which was originally released on their own Last Resort records in 1982.

The band then split-up as a result of getting blamed for violence at or near their gigs, which were nothing to do with the band; and were blown-up out of all proportion by the anti-Oi! media feeling at the time. The band along with The Business and the 4-Skins (who Roi later joined as vocalist) were playing at the Hamsborough Tavern in Southall when it was attacked and burnt to the ground by misguided locals.

Following this split, there was a reformation of sorts in 1988 when Arthur and Andy, contacted Roi to reform the band, bringing in Mark Edwards from The Rivals on lead guitar. However when Arthur and Andy dropped out, Roi recruited Dean Wilkinson on drums and Mick Melville on bass to complete the band, which was called The Resort. This line-up released the "1989" album, before splitting-up at Christmas 1990.

The current line-up of the band featuring Chris Jones on drums and former Anti-Nowhere League personnel, John "J.J" Pearce on bass and Keith "Beef" Hillyer on guitar alongside Roi of course, got together in Millennium year, 2000 and immediately recorded an eight track demo, featuring both old and new songs including "Working Class Kids" and "Held Hostage", originally released on the first cassette!

This line-up was originally going to be called Millwall Roi and they released the first fruits of the line-up via the track "We're Gonna Get You" on the "Addicted To Oi!" compilation through "Captain Oi! Records". They also contributed "Wonderful World" and "Chaos" to the 4-Skins release, "Secret Life of the 4-Skins", again through Captain Oi!, and covers of "Gotta Go" as Millwall Roi and "She's A Skinhead Girl Warrior", actually as Last Resort to the "Worldwide Tribute To The Real Oi! - Vol 2" compilation on Triple Crown Records.

It wasn't until 2002, however, that the band finally began to use the Last Resort moniker as German Festival Organisers M.A.D. assured the band that this name was the one that the fans would more readily identify with. So Last Resort were officially reborn, playing the "Punk and Disorderly Festival" in 2002. Since that gig, the band have also played in France, Belgium, Sweden, Spain and England, playing their first home country gig in 21 Years at the Hounslow Rifleman in 2003.

Other notable appearances since that time, have seen the band play at the "Beer Olympics" in Atlanta USA, without Roi!!!, the "Full Force Festival" in Germany, "Wasted" in England on a number of occasions, "The Fury Fest" in France and "Punk and Disorderly" a further couple of times. The band have also announced their intention to the Punk World by releasing their aptly titled comeback album "Resurrection" through "Captain Oi! Records" in February 2005, which was far more powerful and hard-hitting than their earlier releases, featuring old Resort songs re-worked, prime covers and some great new material.

The band continued to tour throughout Europe and in 2009 released the acclaimed 'You'll Never take Us - Skinhead Anthems 2'. The band took to the road once again, playing shows across the length and breadth of mainland Europe.

Drummer Chris Jones then left the band on the eve of a UK tour and despite the band's best efforts to replace him at short notice they had to pull the tour.

His replacement came in the form of Spanish born sticksman Txotuo, who played with the band up until later 2011. After the band returned from a successful tour of the Far East, Txotuo had a tour line up with another band and couldn't commit to a Last resort tour with Old Firm Casuals (featuring Rancid guitarist/singer and lifelong The Last Resort devotee Lars Fredrickson). The band called on an old friend of theirs, Mik Gaffney to stand in for the tour with only a couple of weeks notice. The tour was successful and with an imminent festival appearance at Spirit Of The Streets in Germany looming the band once again called on their stand in to cover the gig. With their regular drummer still unavailable and a European tour with Stomper 98 booked, Mik once again stepped up to the plate and has since been added to the band full time.

In 2012 appeared at Pretty Shitty Kjell 'Oi! event in Stockholm, Sweden in April and Rebellion festival in August. They also appear in Genova, Italy, October 27th, Ivory Blacks, Glasgow (the band's first Scottish show) Nov 9th, The Old Salutation Inn, Nottingham, Nov 10th, 'Voice Of Oi!' festival, London, Nov 2nd and O2 Academy Bournemouth, Dec 11th (as special guests of Rancid).

The band released a new live album 'Live & Loud' on Randale Records and have just released their brand new album 'This Is My England - Skinhead Anthems III', also on Randale Records.

In addition to the new album band guitarist Beef has just released his autobiography entitled 'You Are The Beef'. Head to Randale records to pick up a copy!

17100 KIDZ
(Parte di testo di Fabrizio Barile "Fritz") - signore e signori vi voglio raccontare ( in parte ) una storia di un vecchio gruppo oi!
sono i 17100 Kids di Savona , nel 1994 con Marco Balestrino abbiamo compilato il disco Oi! against Silvio - e il testo di iena , che si intitolava " L'italia siamo noi " era perfetto .
Anche quel brano ne e' entrato a far parte -
Serviva qualche foto e questa l'ho scattata a vado ligure , nella formazione c'era Marco Balestrino, Iena, Lele e Riccardo .
Come spesso accade nell'oi! i gruppi si formano , si beve una birra , si scrive una canzone , si suonano una manciata di concerti e si pensa gia' al progetto successivo -
Si formano altri gruppi, spesso con gli stessi musicisti - e " il gioco " continua -
Il 30 Gennaio 2016, dopo ben 20 anni, i 17100 KIDS, si riuniscono con una nuova formazione Alex alla voce (che già ai tempi prese il posto di Balestrino) Lele al basso (17100 Kids & Ex Drunken Nuns) Ale alla chitarra (Cervelli Stanki) e Francesco alla batteria (Ex Cervelli Stanki fine anni 90 inizio 2000) e suonano al Rude Club di Savona. Io c'ero ed ho scattato le foto della nuova formazione , che diventeranno la storia per qualche giovane Skinhead nato negli anni 90.
Ma il vero senso della band qual'è? (Che non molti sanno - )
I 17100 Kids non hanno mai avuto una formazione fissa, a giro, tutti i punks & skins della scena savonese fecero parte del progetto, lo dice anche il nome della band "17100 Kids" non che "Ragazzi di Savona", quelli che hanno sempre militato con passione la nostra scena e la vita di strada -
Oggi purtroppo Alex il cantante deve lasciare la band per motivi personali, Alessio (Chitarra) sta portando avanti il progetto contattando musicisti appartenenti all'ambiente con l'intento di cambiare nuovamente formazione per poter dire la loro ai Kidz di ogni città! Riportare alla luce le vecchie gloriose "Hit" di varie band storiche di Savona di cui molti ricordano - è questo il "gioco" della band! Una band che potrebbe esistere anche fra 100 anni, andando avanti con le nuove generazioni di KIDS del Savonese! Il 18 Marzo i 17100 Kids si presenteranno con: Alessio alla chitarra (Cervelli Stanki), Lele al basso (originario dei 17100 Kids & Drunken Nuns), Ciccio alla chitarra (Ex Klasse Kriminale, Ex Cervelli Stanki, Ex Local Heroes nonchè progetto con Simone Graziani dei Drunken Nuns, e un concerto alle spalle con i 17100 Kids negli anni 90) Fra alla batteria e Zampa alla voce - Una volta di Savona se ne sentiva parlare, oggi vogliono riportare la loro scena come i tempi d'oro! ne vedremo delle belle!

Gli Incivili si formano a La Spezia sul finire degli anni 80 con Ermanno alla voce e Andrea (ex Fall Out) alla chitarra. Nel 1991 appare il loro primo pezzo (incivile) sulla compilation "Oi! It's a world League" prodotta da Marco Balestrino. L'anno successivo la Twins records produce il loro demotape e appaiono sulla storica compilation della Twins con Nabat, Stab e Klasse Kriminale. Dopo un paio d'anni il gruppo si scioglie per poi riformarsi per un paio di concerti nel 1998. Da allora sono apparse un paio di cover della band (ad opera di 80s e Dalton) mentre Ermanno ha suonato alcune canzoni del gruppo durante alcuni concerti tributo al bassista Gianni,scomparso alcuni anni fa.
Questo sarà il PRIMO concerto UFFICIALE del gruppo dal 1998!

Evento inserito il 17/03/2016, visto 1629 volte
Artisti in concerto:
The Last Resort
Klasse kriminale (it)
Spazio polivalente
piazza boetti
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