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Clair obscur (fr)

Risorsa inserita il 20/02/2007, ultimo aggiornamento del 29/03/2023, visto 8075 volte (rate:1.74)

Eventi passati

sab 12/5/2007 Iroko (Salerno)
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Biografia (inglese)
20/02/2007 13:00, [protected] []
Da un comunicato stampa:

CLAIR OBSCUR originated in 1981 in the new wave / cold wave / industrial scene.
Their shows mixing music and visual performances were very quickly recognised, and became a reference to both the buying public and the up and coming French independant radio stations.

They were invited to play at the Ecole des Beaux Arts de Paris as well as
to support Killing Joke at the Palace in Paris.

Clair Obscur invited performers, dancers, plasticians, musicians coming
from jazz and classical music... and attempted to break the established sketches of the performance, as for example by creating in an Italian style theatre (théâtre Déjazet in Paris) a feigned bucolic decorum, featuring
a chamber orchestra and replicas of famous impressionist paintings,
to destroy it immediately after.

After an absence of seven years, Clair Obscur have formed up again
in November 2004.....Clair Obscur are still at work with their future album...


Nulle Aide
Trinity Records (Germany) CD 1999

Apocalyptic Vision (Germany) CD 1996

A collection of isolated tracks
Apocalyptic Vision (Germany) CD 1995

Apocalyptic Vision (Germany) /
Prikosnovénie (France) CD 1994

Sans titre, 1992
V.i.S.A. (France) CD 1992
Apocalyptic vision (Germany) CD 1997

Cathexis Recordings (UK) LP 1988
Orphanage (USA) cassette 1990
Apocalyptic Vision (Germany) /
V.i.S.A. (France) CD 1994
Infrastition (France) CD 2004

In Out
V.i.S.A. (France) LP 1988
Apocalyptic vision (Germany) CD 1993
Infrastition (France) CD 2004

Smurf in the Gulag
Cathexis Recordings (United Kingdom) 12" 1986

The Pilgrim's Progress
All the Madmen (United Kingdom) LP 1985

autoproduction 12" 1984
made and distributed by New Rose

Santa Maria / Toundra
autoproduction 7" 1983

La cassette noire
autoproduction cassette 1982
first limited edition of 200 copies
Pleasantly Surprised (UK) cassette 1985
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