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ven 9/3/2007 Circolo arci Discarica (Reggio Emilia)
ven 26/1/2007 Totem (Vicenza, VI)
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gio 14/8/2003 Indian (S. Giuliano Terme, PI)
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Biografia (inglese)
13/12/2006 11:21, [protected] []
Da un comunicato stampa:
At the end of the 1999 Stefano Rossello starts the ambient experimental project Bahntier: with the time the sounds of the project changed and became more aggressive, stunning and percussive. In the summer of the 2000 Stefano records some tapes and cd-r, works that kept the attention of the E.N.D.E. Radioluxor label. In the meantime at the trakcs was added the voice and then recorded the first demo: this work was released in the 2001 by the label. For the production was called Angelo Bergamini but he was busy with the recording of his new release Bahntier starts to play live: the live act is a mix of sounds and hard visual performance employing videos projection, light effects and person. For these reasons the number of people involved in the Bahntier live act project increased. The live act line up became with Stefano Rossello voice/synth, Christian Battiferro drums/percussion, MM samplers, Filippo Corradin and Valentina Sanna projection and light efx. On April 2002 Stefano Rossello met (thanks to the label) Simon Balestrazzi, leader of the historical Italian band T.A.C. and ex member of the Kirlian Camera. Simon decides to work to the artistical production of the new Bahntier release that was recorded at the NeuroHabitat studios of Cagliari (the same studio where Balestrazzi will produce his new T.A.C. release and the release of the TH26). In May Bahntier play live at Livorno with the Kebabtraume and in July at the Metamatik Festival with Suicide Commando. P.A.L. and VNV Nation. Before the exit of the new release Stefano decides to record and produce a limited cd-r call Subspecies: this work was made by unrealesed tracks, demo version of tracks of the incoming new album and with Pdm realese AMOEBA fanzine( www.amoeba.tv.it ). Finally with the new year Bahntier release for the Karnak (electro/industrial sublabel di E.N.D.E.) the new album Randome. The work was made by 13 tracks: the sounds go from powernoise to industrial with vocals very aggressive that remember the Skinny Puppy. The new release was play live the first time with the Italian band PANKOW. In the 2004 Stefano starts to record the new album Revulsive for the rustblade label (www.rustblade.com): from this new album Stefano with Filippo became work the new sounds and noise manipulator of the project. After the official release of Revulsive Bahntier starts a mini European tour and play in city like London and Berlin. In Berlin Stefano and Filippo met who became their manager and Schlagstrom (www.schlagstrom.de) a riferiment point in Europe about powernoise and industrial sounds. After this Bahntier play with bands like This Morn Omina, Mono No Aware, Dive, Asche, Synapscape ,S.K.E.T., Agonoize, Anenzephalia... Stefano met in Bologna Justin Bennett (drummer of the Skinny Puppy, Pigface, My life with a trill kill kult, Peter Murphy) and involved him to play with the Bahntier project. The new Bahntier line up with Justin at the drum play in the historical live act at the Wave Gothic Treffen of Lipsia: live that confirm the Bahntier project like a referiment point of the new industrial wave. At now Bahntier is recording the new album with many guest like Justin Bennett at the drum, Eric Van Wonterghem (Insekt, Sonar, Monolith), the Black Sun Production and the Japanese CyberPunk writer Kenji Siratori: the release of the new work should be for October.
Official website : www.bahntier.com
Record label : www.rustblade.com
Boooking : www.schlagstrom.de
Amoeba : www.amoeba.tv.it

SUBSPECIES CDR Limited (Rustblade)
RANDOME CD (Karnak/Rustblade)
REVULSIVE CD / BOX (Rustblade)
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