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Last Updated: Monday, 18 October, 2004, 13:09 GMT 14:09 UK
Marc Almond 'stable' after crash
Marc Almond
Marc Almond reached number one with Tainted Love in 1981
Soft Cell singer Marc Almond is in a "stable" condition in hospital after a motorcycle crash in central London.

The singer was injured after he was pillion passenger on a bike that collided with a car near St Paul's Cathedral on Sunday.

Both he and the rider were taken to hospital. Almond had emergency surgery and is being treated in intensive care.

Almond had his most famous hit with his group Soft Cell when their song Tainted Love went to number one in 1981.

Police investigation

A spokesman for City of London Police said the crash happened at about 1600 BST (1500 GMT) on Sunday.

"There was a serious collision between a car and a motorcycle at the junction of Cannon Street and New Change in the City of London," he said.

"Both the motorcycle rider and the pillion passenger are in hospital. The rider has severe injuries and the pillion passenger is critical.

"City of London Police are investigating the collision. Marc Almond was the pillion passenger."

Soft Cell
Soft Cell performed on Top of the Pops in their heyday
The vehicles involved were a Suzuki bike and a Vauxhall car, the spokesman added.

Gene Pitney, with whom Almond sang a duet in 1989, sent his best wishes to the singer.

Pitney, best-known for his hit 24 Hours From Tulsa, said: "I just heard the good news that they said you were in a stable condition which is terrific.

"I just want you to get out of there and get back to what you do great. You are a tremendous talent."

Almond is being treated at The Royal London Hospital in Whitechapel. In a statement, the hospital said: "His family request that his and their privacy is respected at this time."

Soft Cell, which comprised Almond and musician David Ball, were one of the biggest-selling acts of the early 1980s.

They split in 1984, three years after Tainted Love - a cover of Gloria Jones' soul classic - became the biggest-selling UK single of 1981 and the 10th biggest-seller ever in the US at the time.

The band's other hits included Torch, Bedsitter and Say Hello, Wave Goodbye.

After the split, Almond went on to have chart success with a cover of the Days Of Pearly Spencer and a duet with Gene Pitney on Something's Gotten Hold Of My Heart.

Almond and Ball reunited in 2001 to play a gig launching new venue Ocean in Hackney, east London.

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