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venerdi 19/04/2013

Concerto Ulterior

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Friday 19th of April 2013
MetaMorfosi Events proudly present:

ULTERIOR (London/UK) on stage!


After their highly acclaimed debut "Wild In Wildlife" (2011) which brought us club filling anthems like "The Emptiness We Share", "Too In Love To Fuck", "Sister Speed" and "Big City Black Rain", ULTERIOR have whittled down a long list of ideas and demos into their new effort, entitled "The Bleach Room". This album offers ten incredible tracks that have been further sharpened by close friend and long time producer, ROBERT HARDER, who's worked with BRIAN ENO, PAUL EPWORTH, KYLIE MINOGUE, NENEH CHERRY, SQUAREPUSHER, WHITE ROSE MOVEMENT and WHITEY, to name only a few.

Providing a much more colourful and energetic sound and exploring a wider range of songwriting-, rhythm- and especially vocal variations, "The Bleach Room" is bigger, better and more ULTERIOR in every sense and all what fans of the band can ask for. Even more uncompromised, but faster to the point at the same time, their new album is a giant step closer to the band's very own vision of industrialized pop mayhem. With "The Bleach Room" in their pocket, ULTERIOR are ready to drive onto bigger and brighter stages. Their forward thinking setting a new trend for a dark and vociferous Rock 'N' Roll anchored to tormenting synthetic pulses, layered with magnificently euphoric and twisted synthesizer brutality.

ULTERIOR have supported bands like THE SISTERS OF MERCY, KILLING JOKE, THE HORRORS, ATARI TEENAGE RIOT, TUXEDOMOON, THESE NEW PURITANS and FIELDS OF THE NEPHILIM (to name only a few) on their way to become a headlining act on their own.

I londinesi Ulterior esordiscono nel 2007 con "Weapons", singolo che sfoggia un sound in bilico tra Suicide e Jesus And Mary Chain.
Nel 2009, dopo un tour di supporto ai Sisters Of Mercy, esce il loro secondo singolo, "Sister Speed"/"Aporia", che introduce nuove sfumature dark nel loro sound. Il 2011 e` l`anno del debutto su full-length: "Wild In Wildlife" contiene dieci brani di gothic rock futurista; gli Ulterior si esibiscono inoltre al ventesimo Wave Gotik Treffen sul prestigioso palco dell`Agra... Halle.
Febbraio 2013 esce "The Bleach Room", l`atteso successore di "Wild In Wildlife", che ci presenta i nostri in veste ancora una volta rinnovata, con le influenze wave ottantiane che si fondono con un industrial-rock inarrestabile.




Goth | Wave | 80`s | Alternative | PostPunk | Minimal | Electro | EBM | Future Pop | Industrial


Dj IAN P. CHRIST (Death Disco/Berlin)


GothicPunk | Batcave | Darkwave | DeathRock | GothicRock ColdWave | NeoFolk | PaganDance | Ritual

Listino Bar:
Cocktails & Long Drink 6 euro
Birra media (0,4) 5 euro
Shot 2 euro

Shooting by Karmilla Shelly
Apertura locale ore 22:30

Ingresso 5 euro
Chiusura ore 5:00

GRUPPO FACEBOOK: MetaMorfosi Crew Roma

Evento inserito il 28/03/2013, ultimo aggiornamento del 09/04/2013, visto 1759 volte (rate:5.94)
Artisti in concerto:
Ulterior (uk)
Zoo bar
Via Generale Roberto Bencivenga 1

Informazioni sul locale:
(Nota: i dati sottostanti sono generici e potrebbero non essere validi per la serata specifica)
angolo via momentana
Tel: 339/27.27.995
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