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sabato 15/09/2018

Concerto Suicide Commando + Mental Discipline + Janosch Moldau + Ginevra

ElectroNation & Contribe, in collaborazione con Padiglione 14 e GLZ Eventi, presentano:
ElectroNation Festival 2018
After show party: ebm - synth/future pop - electro - new wave - goth - indie etc... - Djs Lesley & Clean Pee

Evento Facebook:

Sabato 15 settembre 2018
Padiglione 14, corso Pastrengo 40, Collegno (Torino)

Acquisto alle serate ElectroNation: 20 euro
Solo fino a sabato 4 agosto
Acquisto online: 20 euro + diritti di prevendita
Solo fino a domenica 2 settembre
In cassa: 25 euro
Dal 3 settembre in poi non sarà più possibile acquistare il biglietto in prevendita, ma solo in cassa, il giorno dell'evento.
Ingresso riservato ai soci Arci a cui è rivolto questo invito

Going strong for 30 years, Suicide Commando have not only been pioneers of the harder Electro genre, but continue being innovators up to this very day. Formed in summer 1986 by Johan van Roy, the band made a name for itself through a series of self-released tapes from the late Eighties to the early Nineties. When the group released its first full-length CD „Critical Stage“ in 1994, it soon would evolve into one of the most popular and important acts of the scene. On this and all of the subsequent releases, Van Roy explores the dark side of humanity with lashing beats, haunting atmospheric electronics and an addictively psychotic and relentlessly aggressive vocal style. With eternal club hits, such as the seminal „See You In Hell“ or “Hellraiser” and an impressive roster of successful album releases, from the classics “Mindstrip”, „Axis Of Evil“, „Bind, Torture, Kill“ and „Implements Of Hell“ to the apocalyptic 2013-masterpiece „When Evil Speaks“, Suicide Commando continue to be genre-defining while always evolving their very own trademark sound of synthetically-induced mayhem. They are a regular guest at the biggest scene-related festivals around the world and are renowned for their energetic stage performance. With an ever-growing rabid fan base at their back, Suicide Commando are one of the most popular live acts of the entire scene. The band is currently working on the next album and, judging from the sold-out advance single „The Pain That You Like“, it will be nothing short of another Hard-Electro-milestone.

Mental Discipline is a futurepop project started by Alex Mental in 2008. It is now widely recognized as one of Russia’s best futurepop/synthpop bands. The project's first official release in April 2011, was the maxi-single "Fallen
Stars" which featured the guest vocalists Felix Marc (Frozen Plasma, Diorama) and Peter Rainman (People Theatre). An extremely danceable blend of synthpop and futurepop with meaningful lyrics, the single quickly became a favorite of DJs and club-goers around the world. In 2012, Mental Discipline signed with the label SkyQode and soon released their first critically-acclaimed CD, “Constellation” featuring an array of guest vocalists. The album was followed up by several successful EP releases in 2013 and 2014, and a compilation in 2016. Their
next full length album “Past Forward” is planned to be released in
August/September 2018. Mental Discipline have played many live shows across Russia and Europe including large festivals like Synthetic Snow (RU) in 2012 and 2016, Synthember (DE) in 2013, and Rezistanz (UK) in 2015. The band has a goal for 2018, to play more shows and festivals throughout Europe!

Janosch Moldau’s pop is clearly the perfect match for people with aching hearts and other forms of malaise. Janosch Moldau is the secret hero of this scene, mixing hope, love and longing into an addictive potion and sharing it with these tortured souls. Within the last ten years the musician has published four studio albums, and has toured throughout Europe and in Russia with numerous stars of the electro-pop scene. His third album, "Lovestar", expanded his committed fan base well beyond the borders of Germany. The music clip with the same name as the album was presented exclusively on the music channel VIVA, introduced with the following apt description: "Melancholy is a key element in Janosch Moldau’s work, wonderfully packaged in addictive sounds à la Depeche Mode, The Cure or Red Flag."
Just to be on the safe side, Janosch Moldau has joined forces with Vienna‘s electro veteran, Gerhard Potuznik (Chicks On Speed, Mediengruppe Telekommander, Electronicat, Bunny Lake, Mäuse and more) – the first time he has welcomed any helpers onto his melancholy boat. All the songs on the current LP were written and recorded over the winter months in Italy on Lake Lugano, where the musician has regularly withdrawn for some time.

Ginevra è un duo elettronico torinese composto da Loris Brunello e Lorenzo Albera. Nato inizialmente come progetto solista (Loris), dopo un singolo di esordio nel 2013 (The Pledge) e un Ep (To Live And Die in L.A.) si unisce Lorenzo (musicista torinese con all'attivo il progetto noise Perfect Pop) alla voce, chitarre ed effetti. Questa nuova combinazione fa virare il suono verso una direzione darkwave, postpunk. Il primo lavoro nato da questa collaborazione è il singolo "Polar" a cui fanno seguito gli ep "Westworld" e "Automat 79".

Evento inserito il 17/03/2018, ultimo aggiornamento del 22/03/2018, visto 1664 volte (rate:2.39)
Padiglione 14
Corso Pastrengo, 40
Collegno (TO)

Informazioni sul locale:
(Nota: i dati sottostanti sono generici e potrebbero non essere validi per la serata specifica)

da Francia, prima del cavalcavia di Collegno, prendere il controviale a destra (Via Torino).
Uscita Tangenziale: Collegno-Pianezza

capolinea Fermi

N. 38 (da P.zza Statuto Torino), N.33 (da Via Sacchi lato Stazione Porta Nuova).

Treni da Porta Nuova. Dalla fermata di Collegno, a 100 m. lungo Viale Martiri XXX Aprile.
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