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venerdi 25/09/2015

Backdoor Opening Party
Concerto Frozen autumn + A silent noise

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Venerdì 25 Settembre

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Dal 1993, la new wave italiana nel mondo.

The project THE FROZEN AUTUMN was born in May 1993 in Turin thanks to Diego Merletto, who had been already involved as a singer and keyboard player in several bands of the dark-wave scene in Turin since 1987.The background inspiring Diego has been the music released by the British label 4AD in the '80, together with European cold-wave, especially the electronic one, belonging to the same era. Neverthless, since the issue of the first and only demo, "Oblivion", dating back to 1994, the sound of TFA (initially conceived as Diego's one-man band) immediately stood out for its original melodic frames and rigorous sound research amounting to dreaming-atmospherical tracks as well as danceable songs reminding of 80's electronic wave, all style cornerstones to be found throughout the band's productions. In the same year, Diego decided to rely upon a guitarist for the live concerts that had soon been scheduled, even though he also decided to stay the sole and only mastermind as for TFA compositions: so did Claudio Brosio come into the picture. In 1995 the debut album "Pale Awakening" was released for the label Weisser Herbst: it contains "Oblivion" 6 tracks + 4 brand new tracks, among which the unforgettable piú "This Time", real dancefloor hit for this music genre lovers. During the same year the duo performed abroad for the first time at Die Insel, Berlin historic location situated on an isle of river Spree. This album got great feedback: even though it hadn't been massively promoted at all, sold over 5000 copies, a huge amount for a non-mainstream band at its debut on the market.
Diego decided to leave W.H. for the Milan-based Eibon Records, that released the band's second album "Fragments Of Memories" in December 1997, (featuring another outstanding track: "There's No Time To Recall"), a full-lenght that is everything but minimalistic, whose arrangements are generous, its harmonies rich, open, catchy. This album marked an increased interest for the artwork (made by the band itself) and the debut as a singer of a very young Froxeanne, not part of the band yet at that time. Several successful live gigs in Italy and Germany followed, climaxing in April 1998 at Tenax in Florence, Claudio's last concert with TFA.Immediately afterwards, Diego Merletto & Froxeanne (vocals and keyboards) conceive a side-project, named STATIC MOVEMENT. After 6 months of frantic co-writing work, "Visionary Landscapes" (Eibon Records, March 1999) was born: a little coffret containing 10 electronic jewels.This year marked the developement of another great passion of Diego's, videoart, (already massively expressed during TFA concerts by means of his evocative self-made background videos) by producing the black and white videoclip of the song "Nouvelle Vague" (track included in "VisionaryLandscapes"), released as a multimode cd-rom in 2001.Even though the duo has released only one album as STATIC MOVEMENT, this side-project experience was important because it laid the foundations for the so-called "electronic shift" of TFA, as witness as shown by their next release: "Emotional Screening Device" (Eibon 2002). Carachterized by driving electronic filigrees, in addition to catchy, dynamic rhythms, (as for the teaser "Is Everything Real?", whose videoclip was filmed later), as well as episodes of hypnotic instrumental electro. Several concerts followed, all arousing great interest, but particularly successful was the one taking place in September 2002 at the legendary "Paradiso" club in Amsterdam.In 2003 TFA broke their relationship with Eibon and begun the tormeted composition of their new album and made some collaborations with other artists.
In 2004 the the band finally played live also outside Europe, namely in Chile and e in Peru, literarly sending the audience into a frenzy.The new album "Is Anybody There?" was finally released in September 2005 by Pandaimonium Records, by Twilight Records and by Gravitator Records."Is Anybody There?" is an ice-cold, styilistically flawless album, a never redundant "electro-chiselled" work: its essential, clean, almost graphic elegance, make it TFA least easy -listening release. Probably these features were the key to access one the most fascinating places in Eastern Europe: so did the duo lands in 2006 also in Russia for 2 unforgettable concerts in Moscow and Saint Petersburg during a really - frozen autumn.
During the following 3 years, the duo collaborated with other artists not only for music works, but also for graphic layouts and videoart. At the end of 2007, the band decided to rescind the contract with Pandaimonium Rec. and in the same period they started to rely upon a live guitarist again. The band performed then in Itay and the Netherlands, then in 2008 took contact with Twilight Records again that in 2009 released 3 cd-digipack reprints (2 by TFA, and the SM album). During Autumn 2009, another live member got on board, for keyboards this time: The Count (from the electronic solo project Nabla Operator), in order to add even more live-played parts on stage. With this 4-member-line-up, most of the double DVD "Seen From Under Ice" (Twilight Records, March 2010) were filmed. In December 2010, the first 10" vinyl is released: the EP "RALLENTEARS" featuring 4 brand new tracks, issued by the Italian label Calembour Records (run by Froxeanne) in 250 copies only, another chapter in their so peculiar music language they lately love to define "FROZEN WAVE" describing their ice-cold wave style. This new single songs are presented live on stage in Italy and in Brazil. On 30th November 2011 the band, comes back with the long-awaited new full-length CD "CHIRALITY", released by Calembour Records and to be issued on 14th February 2012 also in North America by Metropolis Records, immediately enthousiastically welcomed by their following all over the world.
In January 2015 The Frozen Autumn released the new EP on picture vinyl "LIE IN WAIT".


A Silent Noise è un progetto musicale ispirato alla new-wave '80s, alla kosmische musik tedesca degli anni '70 e alle colonne sonore dei film di fantascienza.
Nato nel 2007 come side-project da un'idea di Libero Volpe, tastierista e voce della band, nel 2011 A Silent Noise pubblica il primo album, "Airwalking". Successivamente, al progetto si unisce Lorenzo Ceccarelli (basso elettrico) e, di recente, Stefano Esposito (chitarre).
All'inizio del 2014 ASN pubblica l'ultimo album "Kaleidoscope", realizzato in una speciale edizione limitata composta da vinile bianco e cd nero.
Sui battiti costanti di una implacabile drum-machine e di un basso metallico, si aprono le linee oniriche dei sintetizzatori e i chorus iper-riverberati della chitarra. Nell'oscurità cosmica di A Silent Noise ci sono gli echi dei New Order e dei primissimi Cure, ma anche, nei momenti più dilatati e visionari, il kraut dei Tangerine Dream e dei Pink Floyd strumentali.

In consolle Djs :


Generi :


Photos by Karmilla Shelly

Apertura porte ore 22.00

Inizio live ore 22.30

Ingresso 15€ inclusa consumazione

Dopo l'01.00 ingresso 5€

Tessera Gratuita

Associazione Defrag
Via delle Isole Curzolane, 75 - Roma
- Live
- Expo
- Giochi da tavolo
- Biliardino
- Wi-Fi Zone

Info/Contatti BACKDOOR :

348 07 22 484 - 340 27 88 019

Evento inserito il 23/04/2015, ultimo aggiornamento del 23/07/2015, visto 2316 volte (rate:2.40)
Artisti in concerto:
Associazione Defrag
Via delle Isole Curzolane, 75
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